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Current Opinion in HIV and AIDS

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Publication Frequency:
Published 6 times per year (Bimonthly)
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  • Published bimonthly and offering a unique and wide ranging perspective on the key developments in the field, each issue of Current Opinion in HIV and AIDS features hand-picked review articles from our team of expert editors. With six disciplines published across the year – including health economics of HIV treatments, sexual transmission of HIV and HIV vaccines after STEP – the journal ensures comprehensive coverage of all of the latest advances.
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    Product Format
    Print Journal + Online Access
    Publication Frequency
    Published 6 times per year (Bimonthly)
  • Giuseppe Pantaleo
    University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland
    Steven G. Deeks
  • --The top review title in HIV and AIDS research*
    --A concise reference tool acknowledged to be among the finest in the world
    --Expert reviews of current literature in the field
    --Topical coverage in every issue, providing quality, authority and accessibility
    --All reviews are supplemented with an indispensable "References and Recommended Reading"
    --Comprehensive bibliographic listings from the most respected journals
    • January: HIV reservoirs: from pathogenesis to drug development
    • March: Epidemic modelling
    • May: Elite controllers
    • July: Cohort analysis of clinical and treatment outcomes
    • September: Innate immunity
    • November: Biomarkers of outcomes of disease, treatment and complications
    --Website: www.co-hivandaids.com

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Current Opinion in HIV and AIDS

Current Opinion in HIV and AIDS

ISBN/ISSN: 1746-630X
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