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Critically Appraising Evidence for Healthcare

Publication Date:
January 31, 2019
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Critically appraising an article is much more than simply reading it. Appraisal is a technique that will improve the effectiveness ...
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  • Critically appraising an article is much more than simply reading it. Appraisal is a technique that will improve the effectiveness of your ability to read research and determine if it is of adequate quality. This book will teach you how to critically appraise all types of research using questions geared to the particular type of research. You will then be able to determine if the research results are valid and can be applied in practice.
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Interactive eBook
    Publication Date
    January 31, 2019
  • Alan Pearson
    Kylie Porritt
    Heather Loveday
    Arja Holopainen
  • 1. Introduction to Appraising Evidence for Healthcare
    2. The Nature of Quantitative Evidence
    3. The Nature of Qualitative Evidence
    4. Critically Appraising Papers Using the Rapid Assessment Protocol Internet Database (RAPID)
    5. Critical Appraisal of a Prognostic Study
    6. Critical Appraisal of a Risk Study
    7. Critical Appraisal of an Intervention Study
    8. Critical Appraisal of a Cost Study
    9. Critical Appraisal of an Experience Study
    10. Critical Appraisal of a Diagnostic Study
    11. Critical Appraisal of a Systematic Review
    12. Applying Critical Appraisal in Professional Practice through Establishing a Journal Club
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Critically Appraising Evidence for Healthcare

Critically Appraising Evidence for Healthcare

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975124069
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