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Critical Conversations (Volume 2): Moving from Monologue to Dialogue

Edition: 1
Publication Date:
September 3, 2020
With the field of nursing in the midst of an unprecedented transformation, nurse educators seek new approaches to classroom teaching ...
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  • With the field of nursing in the midst of an unprecedented transformation, nurse educators seek new approaches to classroom teaching and learning that prepare students to confront the complexities of practice and confidently solve problems in clinical settings.
    Building on the foundation of Critical Conversations: The NLN Guide for Teaching Thinking, this second volume in the NLN’s Critical Conversations series delivers specific examples and expert direction — grounded in knowledge from learning science and models of experiential, situated, and constructivist learning — that nurse educators can use to engage students in active thinking as they work together to determine the best approaches to clinical situations. Structured around the “three Cs” of context, content, and course, this approachable text enhances the teacher-learner relationship and emphasizes clinically focused, authentic dialogue to help nurse educators provide the realistic problem-solving experiences essential for preparing tomorrow’s nurses for practice.

    “The value of this second volume in the NLN’s Critical Conversations series is in the specific guidance it offers to nurse educators. Based on evidence from learning science, constructivist and experiential learning theories, and the science and philosophy of situated cognition, the authors use examples and offer specific instructions to assist nurse educators in all settings to develop the skills they need to transform their teaching and maximize learning.”
    Lisa Day, PhD, RN, CNE, FAAN, ANEF
    Professor, Clinician Educator
    University of New Mexico College of Nursing
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Publication Date
    September 3, 2020
  • Susan Gross Forneris
    Susan Gross Forneris, PhD, RN, CNE, CHSE-A, FAAN is currently the Excelsior Deputy Director for the National League for Nursing Center for Innovation in Simulation and Technology, Washington, DC. Selected for inclusion in the 2010 inaugural group of NLN Simulation Leaders, she has been working in the field of clinical simulation since 2003. She served as a simulation expert for the NLN ACE.S Team (Advancing Care Excellence for Seniors) and a simulation author for the NLN ACE.Z Alzheimer’s simulation scenario series. In her work with the NLN she has traveled to Taiwan, China, and South Korea, working closely with those countries’ nursing education influencers to further develop faculty skills in the use of simulation best practices in teaching and learning. She has been instrumental in the design and implementation of NLN faculty development courses focused on simulation pedagogy foundations, debriefing, curriculum integration, and evaluation. Dr. Forneris’s expertise is in curriculum development with emphasis on simulation and debriefing in combination with her research on critical thinking. Her publications focus on the development and use of reflective teaching strategies to enhance critical thinking. She is a former Director and Professor of Nursing at St. Catherine University, St. Paul, MN. Dr. Forneris began her nursing career with a bachelor’s degree in nursing from the College of St. Scholastica in Duluth, MN. She completed both her master’s and doctoral studies at the University of Minnesota in nursing education and educational psychology.
    Mary Kohl Fey
    Mary Fey, PhD, RN, CHSE-A, FAAN, ANEF has been working in the field of clinical simulation since 2007. She is the Associate Director of the Institute for Medical Simulation at the Center for Medical Simulation in Boston, MA. Her work focuses on faculty development for simulation educators. Dr. Fey serves on the Board of Directors of INACSL, where she holds the position of Vice President for Outreach. In her work with the National League for Nursing in Washington, DC, she coauthored the NLN Vision Statements: “A Vision for Teaching with Simulation” and “Debriefing Across the Curriculum.” She has published
    qualitative and quantitative studies on debriefing, and has coauthored several of the Standards of Best Practice, Simulation. She serves on the certification committee for the Society for Simulation in Healthcare. Dr. Fey speaks internationally on the topic of debriefing and the role of the educator in simulation-based learning experiences.
  • About the Authors 


    Chapter 1 Introduction: Moving from Monologue to Dialogue 

    Chapter 2 Context 

    Chapter 3 Content 

    Chapter 4 Course 


  • “The value of this second volume in the NLN’s Critical Conversations series is in the specific guidance it offers to nurse educators. Based on evidence from learning science, constructivist and experiential learning theories, and the science and philosophy of situated cognition, the authors use examples and offer specific instructions to assist nurse educators in all settings to develop the skills they need to transform their teaching and maximize learning.”

    Lisa Day, PhD, RN, CNE, FAAN, ANEF
    Professor, Clinician Educator
    University of New Mexico College of Nursing
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Critical Conversations (Volume 2): Moving from Monologue to Dialogue

Critical Conversations (Volume 2): Moving from Monologue to Dialogue

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975168568
USD $24.99 Quantity:
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