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Critical Care Nursing: A Holistic Approach, 12th Edition, remains the go-to resource on the nurse’s role in today’s challenging critical care practice, delivering essential coverage of theory and principles within a practical context to prepare students to care for patients who are critically ill and their families. The text’s popular holistic approach emphasizes comprehensive patient care, incorporating psychosocial concepts, assessment, and management of a variety of disorders.
Updated with the latest research and practices, this 12th Edition streamlines content to make complex information more approachable. Authors Patricia G. Morton and Paul Thurman along with a team of expert contributors have optimized the text to reflect essential coverage in an efficient approach ideal for a single-semester course. Clear, concise writing, engaging visuals, and application-focused learning features work together to promote critical thinking and clinical judgment, helping students build the clinical competence for effective patient care and make a confident transition to practice in critical care nursing.
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