Core Stability training, derived from Yoga, Tai Chi and Pilates, focuses on the importance of your body’s form during a workout: your position and alignment will be emphasized on all your repetitions. This DVD focuses on the quality of movement, which will help you avoid the injuries associated with modern strength training and will allow you to enhance your performance. Emphasis is on the functional usage of muscles, providing the body with an envelope of stability. Each exercise will teach you how to perform the movement, where to feel the stretch, and will identify the typical mistakes and how to avoid them. Specific methods covered include abdominal brace, dying bugs, the bird dog, side bridge, planks, curl-up, superman on the ball, bridges, hamstring curls and more. The DVD also covers common health club mistakes and shows you Dr. Liebenson’s version of popular methods from leading experts from Europe and North America. This product is priced for individual use. Please contact your sales rep from Institutional Pricing.
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