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Core Curriculum for Transplant Nurses

Edition: 2
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Selected as a Doody's Core Title for 2022!Face the complex challenges of transplant nursing with confidence, with the newly expanded ...
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  • Selected as a Doody's Core Title for 2022!

    Face the complex challenges of transplant nursing with confidence, with the newly expanded and updated Core Curriculum for Transplant Nurses, 2nd Edition .

    This official publication of the International Transplant Nurses Society (ITNS) offers crucial, real-life direction on the science and skills required for every kind of solid organ transplant, from initial evaluation to long-term follow-up. Based on the Certified Clinical Transplant Nurse (CCTN) exam content, this is a must-have training and teaching guide for nursing educators, students, and all clinicians seeking CCTN certification or a transplant nursing practice.

    This unique resource offers the core knowledge needed for safe, effective transplant care, with …
    • NEW chapter on quality assurance and performance improvement (QAPI) and regulatory issues
    • NEW chapter on vascular composite allograft transplantation (VCA)
    • NEW chapter on mechanical circulatory support (MCS) devices
    • NEW United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) criteria for VCA procedures and other UNOS policies, including organ allocation policies
    • NEW Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) guidelines for patient selection for destination therapy
    • NEW evidence-based International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation guidelines
    • NEW patient discharge checklists, and examples of QAPI scorecards and regulator indicators
    • More than 200 end-of-chapter sample test questions to aid CCTN exam study
    • More than 200 new and updated charts and figures
    • Outline format that supports on-the-spot reference , with detailed direction on:
      • Transplant immunology and pharmacology; updated content on medications
      • Psychosocial issues
      • Ethical issues, such as living donations and procuring deceased donors
      • Allocation systems for organs in the United States, Canada, Europe, and Australia
      • Care of living donors
      • Life-long posttransplant follow-up
    • Organ-specific chapters offer comprehensive information on areas including:
      • Initial organ-specific evaluation
      • Pre- and postoperative adult and pediatric care
      • Pathophysiology of end-stage organ failure
      • Surgical techniques
      • Immunosuppressive medications
      • Posttransplant complications
      • Discharge teaching and follow-up
    • Essential study guide for the American Board for Transplant Certification (ABTC) Certified Clinical Transplant Nurse exam, the ABTC Certified Clinical Transplant Coordinators exam, and the CCTN certification exam.
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Trim Size
    7 x 10
    Publication Date
    September 20, 2016
  • Sandra A. Cupples RN, PhD, FAAN
    Sandra A. Cupples, RN, PhD, FAAN, CAPT, NC, USN RET
    Formerly, Heart Transplant Coordinator
    Washington Hospital Center
    Washington, DC
    Stacee Lerret RN, PhD, CPNP-AC/PC, CCTC
    Assistant Professor, Medical College of Wisconsin
    Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
    Milwaukee, Wisconsin
    Vicki McCalmont RN,MS, ANP-BC, CNS, CCTC
    Professor, San Diego State University
    Heart Transplant Nurse Practitioner
    Sharp Healthcare
    San Diego, California
    Cardiac Nurse Practitioner
    Sharp Grossmont Hospital
    La Mesa, California
    Linda Ohler RN, MSN, CCTC, FAAN
    Quality and Regulatory Manager
    Editor, Progress in Transplantation
    Transplant Quality Consultant
    George Washington University Transplant Institute
    Washington, DC
  • Contents

    Chapter 1 Solid Organ Transplantation: The Evaluation Process ..............................................
    Maureen P. Flattery and Cheryl Dale
    Chapter 2 Basics in Transplant Immunology .............................................................................
    Frank E.L. VanGelder and LindaOhler
    Chapter 3 Patient Education for the Transplant Recipient ........................................................
    Elizabeth Ann Sparks Ford and Elizabeth V. John
    Chapter 4 Transplant Pharmacology ..........................................................................................
    Agnes Costello and Glen J. Pearson
    Chapter 5 Transplant Complications: Infectious Diseases ........................................................
    Sandra A. Cupples, Debi H. Dumas-Hicks, and Lisa Burnapp
    Chapter 6 Transplant Complications: Noninfectious Diseases ..................................................
    Nancy Stitt, Maria Angela Barone, Marcello Castellese, Sandra Giammona, Giovanni Scianna, Mariella Ziino, and Sandra A. Cupples
    Chapter 7 Care of Living Donors ..............................................................................................
    Donna Gwinn and Jen Lumsdaine
    Chapter 8 Professional Issues in Transplantation ......................................................................
    Rebecca Winset,Janelle Yorke, and Sandra A. Cupples
    Chapter 9 Heart Transplantation ...............................................................................................
    Christine Hartley, Grant Fisher, and Sandra A. Cupples
    Chapter 10 Lung and Heart-Lung Transplantation .....................................................................
    Connie White-Williams, Christiane Kugler, and Brian Widmar
    Chapter 11 Liver Transplantation ................................................................................................
    Sally Bufton, Karen Emmett, and Anne-Marie Byerly
    Chapter 12 Intestine Transplantation ..........................................................................................
    Beverly Kosmach-Park and Maria DeAngelis
    Chapter 13 Kidney Transplantation ............................................................................................
    Mary Jo Holechek and Greg Armstrong
    Chapter 14 Pancreas and Kidney-Pancreas Transplantation .......................................................
    Michele D. Blakely, Diane Lepley, and Terri Achanzar
    Chapter 15 Pediatric Solid Organ Transplantation ......................................................................
    Barbara V. Wise and Grainne Walsh
    Chapter 16 Psychosocial Issues in Transplantation .....................................................................
    Kay Kendall and Maureen I. O’Dell
    Appendix A Electrolyte Imbalances in Adults ..............................................................................
    Appendix B Basic Adult Laboratory Values ................................................................................
    Index ...................................................................................................................................
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Core Curriculum for Transplant Nurses

Core Curriculum for Transplant Nurses

ISBN/ISSN: 9781451195309
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