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Core Curriculum for Forensic Nursing

Edition: 1
Publication Date:
February 28, 2019
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Access the vital knowledge required for competent forensic nursing practice, with clear, concise Core Curriculum for Forensic Nursing . This first ...
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  • Access the vital knowledge required for competent forensic nursing practice, with clear, concise Core Curriculum for Forensic Nursing . This first edition text was developed by the International Association for Forensic Nursing (IAFN). Rich with practical instruction, the Core offers a full view of hte role of the forensic nurse, who practices at the intersection of the health care and the legal systems. For practicing forensic nurses or those who are exploring this dynamic and growing specialty, there is no better guide.
    Prepare for forensic nursing practice, current and future...
    First forensic nursing curriculum text to be officially endorsed by the IAFN
    Cutting-edge, expert content on areas including
    • Forensic nursing fundamentals and practice standards
    • Roles and practice settings open to forensic nurses
    • Legal, ethical, and social trends in forensic nursing
    • Interacting with the legal and judicial systems; testimony; legal terminology
    • Forensic nursing in the health care, mental health, correctional, and military care settings
    • Forensic nurse subspecialties
    • Human trafficking issues
    • Vicarious trauma and self-care
    Numerous full-color photos and images vital to a solid understanding of forensic nursing
    Chapter features include:
    • Objectives - At the start of each chapter, listing key concepts for forensic nursing practice
    • Key Terms - Definitions of crucial terms, relevant to each chapter
    • Review Questions - Important points to review and remember
    • Case Study - Real-life patient histories and patient care scenarios, with study questions
    • History and Theory - Effects of social/legal history on current law and health care
    • Intersecting Systems and Services - Overlapping legal and social programs and the care of special populations, such as the incarcerated
    • Populations at Risk - Populations at increased risk for violence
    • Practice and Prevention - Programs and procedures every forensic nurse needs to know
    • Concepts and Issues - The social and legal context of various forensic nursing areas
    • Future Issues - Emerging nursing practice areas, such as care for victims of human trafficking
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Interactive eBook
    Trim Size
    7 x 10
    Publication Date
    February 28, 2019
  • Bonnie Price
    Kathleen Maguire
  • Contents
    Chapter 1. Introduction
    Judy Waldman
    Karen S. Neill
    1. Evolution of Forensic Nursing
    2. Fundamentals of Forensic Nursing Practice
    3. Overview of Forensic Nursing Models of Care
    4. Paradigm of Forensic Nursing
    5. Practice Settings (please insert in the text “1.5 Practice Settings” on the line above 1.5.1 Hospital/Pre-hospital/Clinics)
    6. Roles of the Forensic Nurse
    7. Scope and Standards of Forensic Nursing Practice
    8. Future of Forensic Nursing
    Chapter 2. Forensic Nursing in the Healthcare Setting
    Catherine Carter-Snell
    Annie Lewis O’Connor
    1. History and Theory
    2. Intersecting Systems and Services
    3. Populations at Risk
    4. Practice and Prevention
    5. Concepts and Issues
    6. Future Issues
    Chapter 3. Forensic Nursing and The Deceased
    Pamela Tabor
    Bobbi Jo O'Neal
    1. History and Theory
    2. Intersecting Systems and Services
    3. Populations at Risk
    4. Practice and Prevention
    5. Concepts and Issues
    6. Future Issues
    Chapter 4. Forensic Mental Health Nursing
    Norah M. SUL>Ashley N. Smith
    1. History and Theory
    2. Intersecting Systems and Services
    3. Practice and Prevention
    4. Populations at Risk
    5. Concepts and Issues
    6. Future Issues

    Chapter 5. Forensic Correctional Nursing
    Georgia Perdue
    MaryAnne C. Murray
    Wesley A. Rivera
    1. History and Theory
    2. Intersecting Systems and Services
    3. Practice and Prevention
    4. Populations at Risk
    5. Concepts and Issues
    6. Future Issues
    Chapter 6A. Emerging Issues: Military Forensic Nursing
    Michelle Ortiz
    6A.1 History and Theory
    6A.2 Intersecting Systems and Services
    6A.3 Practices and Processes
    6A.4 Concepts and Issues
    6A.5 Future Issues
    Chapter 6B: Emerging Issues: Human Trafficking
    Donna Sabella
    6B.1 History and Theory
    6B.2 Intersecting Systems and Services
    6B.3 Populations at Risk
    6B.4 Practice and Prevention
    6B.5 Concepts and Issues
    6B.6 Future Issues
    Chapter 7A: Overarching Issues: Testifying
    Judy Malmgren
    Cyndi Leahy
    7A.1 Forensic Nursing and the Legal System
    7A.2 Interacting with the Judicial System
    7A.3 Transitioning into Practice
    7A.4 Justice Systems
    7A.5 Court Systems
    7A.6 Testimony
    7A.7 Legal Terminology
    7A.8 Preparing to Testify
    Chapter 7B: Overarching Issues: Vicarious Trauma
    Cyndi Leahy
    7B.1 Defining Vicarious Trauma
    7B.2 What Vicarious Trauma Is and Is Not
    7B.3 Effects of Vicarious Trauma
    7B.4 Sources of Vicarious Trauma
    7B.5 Personal-Professional Dynamic
    7B.6 Protective Factors
    7B.7 Self-Care Planning

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Core Curriculum for Forensic Nursing

Core Curriculum for Forensic Nursing

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