The only text covering the pathophysiology of common diseases specifically relative to Occupational Therapy practice, Conditions in Occupational Therapy: Effect ...
The only text covering the pathophysiology of common diseases specifically relative to Occupational Therapy practice, Conditions in Occupational Therapy: Effect on Occupational Performance, 6th Edition, combines the most up-to-date insights and an engaging approach to ready students for success from the classroom to clinical settings.
This updated 6th Edition is fully aligned with the most current DSM-5 and Occupational Therapy Practice Framework, 4th Edition, and adds new chapters reflecting recent advances in the management of infectious diseases, general deconditioning, musculoskeletal pain, amputations, and sickle cell anemia. Each chapter follows a consistent format, presenting an opening case followed by descriptions and definitions, etiology, incidence and prevalence, signs and symptoms, diagnosis, course and prognosis, medical/surgical management, impact on occupational performance, and two case illustrations.
Rounded out with robust instructor resources and new full-color imagery, this bestselling resource is an essential tool for today’s occupational therapy and occupational therapy assistant students.
NEW! Five new chapters detail current practices in the management of:
Infectious Diseases
General Deconditioning
Musculoskeletal Pain (back, neck, upper and lower extremity)
Sickle Cell Anemia
NEW! Full-color images clarify concepts and procedures in vibrant detail.
Updated content and references reflect the latest insights on the neurological basis for disorders, brain/behavior relationships for psychiatric disorders, and a consistent list of client factors affected by disorder.
Integrated pathophysiology and occupational therapy coverage ensure a comprehensive understanding without the need for multiple texts.
An intuitive organization groups disorders logically for fast, efficient reference.
Chapter-ending Case Studieshelp you apply content to real-life clinical situations, including both pediatric and adult cases where relevant.
Introductory Cases immerse you in chapter content for greater retention and understanding.
In-text learning aids, including key terms, study questions, recommended learning resources, and special boxes, tables, and displays help reinforce key concepts.
Product Format
Paperback Book
Trim Size
7 x 10
Lippincott Connect
Publication Date
April 3, 2023
Ben Atchison MEd, OTR, FAOTA
Professor, Department of Occupational Therapy, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI
Diane Dirette
NEW! Five new chapters detail current practices in the management of:
Infectious Diseases
General Deconditioning
Musculoskeletal Pain (back, neck, upper and lower extremity)
Sickle Cell Anemia
NEW! Full-color images clarify concepts and procedures in vibrant detail.
Updated content and references reflect the latest insights on the neurological basis for disorders, brain/behavior relationships for psychiatric disorders, and a consistent list of client factors affected by disorder.
Integrated pathophysiology and occupational therapy coverage ensure a comprehensive understanding without the need for multiple texts.
An intuitive organization groups disorders logically for fast, efficient reference.
Chapter-ending Case Studies help you apply content to real-life clinical situations, including both pediatric and adult cases where relevant.
Introductory Cases immerse you in chapter content for greater retention and understanding.
In-text learning aids, including key terms, study questions, recommended learning resources, and special boxes, tables, and displays help reinforce key concepts.
USD $99.35
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