Although each chapter has been heavily revised, this edition of Concise Text of Neuroscience adheres to the goals of the first edition--providing practical, concise, and integrated information on neuroscience with an emphasis on clinical neurology. Case histories of real patients help illustrate neurologic principles. Several new features include--a new chapter summary format for quicker review of chapters, key term etymologies, an expanded glossary, a high-resolution, multiplanar MRI atlas, 'Further Application' questions with answers following each case history.
Product Format
Vitalsource Fixed Layout eBook
Publication Date
July 30, 2014
Robert E. Kingsley
Chapter 1 The Gross Structure of the Nervous System
Chapter 2 Microstructure of the Nervous System
Chapter 3 Electrochemical Signaling
Chapter 4: Principles of Sensory Transduction
Chapter 5 The Somatosensory System
Chapter 6 Motor Systems I: Spinal Mechanisms of Motor Control
Chapter 7 Motor Systems II: Descending Motor Systems
Chapter 8: Motor Systems III: The Basal Ganglia
Chapter 9 The Cerebellum
Chapter 10 The Cranial Nerves
Chapter 11 The Auditory System
Chapter 12 The Visual System
Chapter 13 The Autonomic Nervous System
Chapter 14 The Hypothalamus and Related Structures
Chapter 15 The Cerebral Cortex
Appendix I Neuroembryology
Appendix II The Neurological Exam
Appendix III MRI Atlas
Appendix IV Neuroimaging Techniques
Appendix V Further Applications Answers
--Includes more than 75 video clips with length of each clip 35-40 seconds --Clips are indexed by neurological sign and by disease --Includes Voice Narration that explains what the student is seeing --Arrow markers overlay the video to point out symptoms --Reinforces the clinical principles as described by Kingsley's text, 2e --Valuable especially for first year students not given access to patients exhibiting these signs
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