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Computed Tomography for Technologists

A Comprehensive Text
Edition: 3
Publication Date:
August 1, 2025
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Covering only what CT technologists need to know, this all-in-one solution helps students develop the knowledge and decision-making skills they ...
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  • Covering only what CT technologists need to know, this all-in-one solution helps students develop the knowledge and decision-making skills they need for clinical practice while preparing them for the ARRT registry exam. Organized around the four major ARRT content categories (patient care, safety, image production, and procedures), the fully updated 3rd edition takes an easy-to-understand approach that combines real-world scenarios, and proven pedagogy to help students master the content of the course.
    • The latest ARRT and ASRT standards are incorporated to fully prepare students for the registry exam.
    • Up-to-date content on patient radiation dosing includes methods to reduce doses, such as adaptive statistical iterative reconstruction (ASIR) and factors associated with expanded MDCT that contribute to the dose.
    • The book’s robust online student resources now include new audio flashcards, a new audio glossary, and new animations, as well as an image bank and exam simulator.
    • Clinical Application boxes use real-life scenarios to illustrate and explain concepts.
    • In-text learning aids, including key terms, key concepts boxes, review questions, an end-of-the book glossary, and recommended readings, reinforce learning.
    • Examples of Exam Protocols summarize appropriate protocols and procedures for examining major anatomical areas.
    • CT Cross-Sectional Slices, accompanied by shaded diagrams and a reference image, appear in the Cross-Sectional Anatomy section.
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Publication Date
    August 1, 2025
$ 109.99 USD $109.99

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Computed Tomography for Technologists

Computed Tomography for Technologists

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975232931
USD $109.99 Quantity:
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