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Awarded 1st place in the 2024 AJN Book of the Year Awards in the Public and Population Health Category and 2nd place in the Community/Home Health Care Category
4 Stars from Doody’s Review Service
From the competencies outlined in the Quad Council of Public Health Nursing Organizations (ACHNE) to the AACN’s Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice and the Healthy People 2023 objectives, Community and Public Health Nursing: Evidence for Practice, 4th Edition, prepares your students to meet the challenges of today’s community and public health nursing practice—and beyond—with an evidence-based perspective and an engaging suite of powerful learning tools.
Guided by the premise that evidence-based practice improves quality performance, authors DeMarco and Healey-Walsh walk students through the process of gathering, assessing, analyzing, applying, and evaluating clinical evidence derived from epidemiology and other sources, incorporating immersive case studies, exercises, and clinical examples to help students interpret and apply statistical data to practice decisions.
This 4th Edition is significantly updated to reflect the most timely topics in community and public health nursing practice, including COVID-19 preparedness, cultural diversity, health disparities, globalism, epidemiology and basic biostatistics, ethical considerations, and more. Dynamic activities and ancillaries round out this practical primer, instilling the critical thinking and clinical reasoning capabilities students will employ throughout their nursing careers.
Product Format
Paperback Book
Trim Size
8 3/8 x 10 7/8
Publication Date
November 9, 2023
Rosanna DeMarco
Judith Healey-Walsh
Part One: The Context of Community and Public Health Nursing Chapter 1 Foundations of Public Health Nursing Chapter 2 Public Health Systems Chapter 3 Health Policy, Politics, and Reform Chapter 4 Global Health
Part Two: Evidence-Based Practice and Population Health Chapter 5 Frameworks for Health Promotion, Disease Prevention, and Risk Reduction Chapter 6 Epidemiology: The Science of Prevention Chapter 7 Describing Health Conditions: Understanding and Using Rates Chapter 8 Gathering Evidence for Public Health Practice
Part Three: Implementing Nursing Practice in Community Settings Chapter 9 Planning for Community Change Chapter 10 Cultural Awareness, Sensitivity, and Respect Chapter 11 Community Assessment Chapter 12 Care Management, Case Management, and Home Healthcare Chapter 13 Family Assessment
Part Four: Challenges in Community and Public Health Nursing Chapter 14 Risk of Infectious and Communicable Diseases Chapter 15 Emerging Infectious Diseases Chapter 16 Violence and Abuse Chapter 17 Substance use Disorder Chapter 18 Health Inequities in Populations Chapter 19 Environmental Health Chapter 20 Community Preparedness: Disaster and Terrorism
Part Five: Specialty Practice Chapter 21 Community Mental Health Chapter 22 School Health Chapter 23 Innovative Community Engagement Practice to Advance Population Health Chapter 24 Palliative and End-of-Life Care Chapter 25 Occupational Health Nursing
UPDATED! New and revised content helps students confidently manage the major issues of today’s community and public health nursing practice, including:
COVID-19 preparedness
Mental health and isolation
Population health
Healthy People 2030 objectives
Health inequalities in populations
UPDATED! Enhanced focus on cultural diversity familiarizes students with important language and cultural considerations for care across a wide range of patient populations.
UPDATED! Student Reflections make chapter content relatable with relevant insights from real students.
UPDATED! Active-learning activities from Healthy People 2030 to help students apply goals to real-life scenarios.
Integrated Case Studies bolster critical thinking and analytic skills.
Evidence for Practice Briefs supports confident clinical decisions with examples of objective evidence.
Practice Points emphasize important facts relevant to practice.
Critical Thinking Questions challenge students to combine research, context, and judgment for effective critical analysis.
Chapter Highlights summarize content for fast reference.
Key Concepts and Key Terms improve study efficiency and concept mastery.
Objectives keep students focused on essential chapter outcomes.
Community Resources connect students to assistance available in most communities.
4 Stars from Doody’s Review Service
“The new additions to this fourth edition dispense the most up-to-date challenges and evidence for practice. Adding case studies with real-life examples helps nurses use the frameworks, tools, and measurements to improve health and healthcare outcomes in a variety of settings.” –Frances Lillian Sparti, DNP, MSN, BSN, Simmons University
The latest edition of Community and Public Health Nursing includes expanded coverage of health equity and its impact on health care access and health promotion. The authors stress the importance of policy in population and public health and provide helpful examples and case studies. Additionally, the health and environmental implications of climate change are well described.
– Barbara J. Polivka, PhD, RN, FAAN, professor and associate dean of research, University of Kansas School of Nursing
This textbook is chock-full of information and resources for community health nursing educators and students. Its 25 chapters provide a visionary and comprehensive account of the broad and diverse sector of community/public health nursing, including opportunities, best practices, issues, and challenges. Each chapter highlights objectives, key terms and concepts, case studies, critical thinking questions, and evidence-based practices. Five subspecialties within the sector are also highlighted: home health nursing, community mental health nursing, school nursing, occupational health nursing, and palliative/end-of-life nursing. Recommendations from the National Academy of Medicine report The Future of Nursing 2020-2030: Charting a Path to Achieve Health Equity are incorporated throughout the text, as are the Healthy People 2030 objectives.
– Mary Curry Narayan, PhD, RN, HHCNS-BC, CTN-A, home health clinical nurse specialist
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