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Providing a solid foundation in clinical medicine for optometrists and optometry students, Clinical Medicine for Optometrists covers the systemic medical conditions that have serious impacts on ocular health and function, as well as the ocular exam findings that may be an early indication of significant systemic disease. This unique text explains important medical considerations for optometric practice, meeting the needs of clinical medicine courses in optometry programs, and also serving as a practical reference for optometrists in practice.
Covers the core content required for board exams and the essential areas of medical knowledge needed for residency and in clinical practice.
Presents comprehensive, practical content developed by lead author and internal medicine physician David Shein, MD, who has many years’ experience teaching students at the New England College of Optometry, in conjunction with co-author Rachel C. Druckenbrod, OD, FAAO, a hospital-based optometrist who regularly mentors optometry students and residents in the clinical setting.
Discusses medical conditions that have direct implications for ocular health, including diabetes, thyroid disease, hypertension, cerebrovascular accident, rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, giant cell arteritis, and many more.
Highlights critical ocular manifestations of systemic disease the optometrist should recognize in daily practice.
Includes chapters on infectious diseases, HIV, diabetes, dermatology, neurology (with sections on headache and stroke), neuroimaging, atherosclerotic, vascular disease and cardiology (with sections on arrhythmias and drug therapy).
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Product Format
Paperback Book
Trim Size
7 x 10
Publication Date
December 4, 2020
David Shein
Covers the core content required for board exams and the essential areas of medical knowledge needed for residency and in clinical practice.
Presents comprehensive, practical content developed by lead author and internal medicine physician David Shein, MD, who has many years’ experience teaching students at the New England College of Optometry, in conjunction with co-author Rachel C. Druckenbrod, OD, FAAO, a hospital-based optometrist who regularly mentors optometry students and residents in the clinical setting.
Discusses medical conditions that have direct implications for ocular health, including diabetes, thyroid disease, hypertension, cerebrovascular accident, rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, giant cell arteritis, and many more.
Highlights critical ocular manifestations of systemic disease the optometrist should recognize in daily practice.
Includes chapters on infectious diseases, HIV, diabetes, dermatology, neurology (with sections on headache and stroke), neuroimaging, atherosclerotic, vascular disease and cardiology (with sections on arrhythmias and drug therapy).
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Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
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