Up to date, easy to use, and well-illustrated, Clinical Manual of Contact Lenses, 5th Edition, helps both students and practitioners fit, evaluate, and troubleshoot contact lens issues in everyday practice. Written by renowned experts in the field, this practical guide is designed for quick access to key information, and includes sample cases, nomograms, and proficiency checklists that summarize and emphasize important points. Thoroughly revised content ensures you'll have the most current guidance on rigid gas permeable lens design and fitting, soft lens problem solving, orthokeratology, bifocal correction, and much more.
Features greatly revised chapters on scleral lens fitting, clinical management of keratoconus, postsurgical fitting, presbyopia, extended wear, and correction of astigmatism.
Includes new chapters on myopia control and orthokeratology, specialty contact lens coding and billing, and prosthetic lenses.
Contains chapters on patient evaluation and optical considerations, management of contact lens-associated or lens-induced pathology, and contact lens practice management.
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Product Format
Vitalsource Interactive eBook
Publication Date
September 16, 2019
Edward S. Bennett OD
Vinita Allee Henry OD
Co-Chief, Contact Lens Service, Director of Residencies, University of Missouri College of Optometry, St. Louis, MO
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