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Cannabis: A Handbook for Nurses

Edition: 1
Publication Date:
February 4, 2021
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Awarded Second Place in the 2021 AJN Book of the Year Awards in Advanced Practice NursingThe time is now to ...
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  • Awarded Second Place in the 2021 AJN Book of the Year Awards in Advanced Practice Nursing

    The time is now to get grounded in cannabis science and holistic care, with the evidence-based Cannabis: A Handbook for Nurses.

    This groundbreaking new guide addresses nursing skills and responsibilities in cannabis care, including the physiology of the human endocannabinoid system, cannabis care as it relates to specific disease processes, the history of cannabis, advocacy and ethics, and the ins and outs of cannabis dosing, delivery methods, side effects, and more. Essential for all practice areas, this is a timely, much-needed foundational resource for both students and practicing nurses who want to provide knowledgeable and effective medical cannabis care. 
    Get grounded in cannabis knowledge with science-driven nursing guidance:
    • Covers the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) 2018 “Six Principles of Essential Knowledge” for supporting medical use of cannabis 
    • Meets the NCSBN (2018) principles for all practice areas and all levels of nursing training and education
    • Foundational chapters provide:
      • An overview of the history of cannabis prohibition and regulation, from ancient times to pioneers in cannabis care
      • Human endocannabinoid system structure and functions
      • Cannabis pharmacology and pharmacokinetics
      • CBD: The phytocannabinoid – dosing, drug-drug interactions, evidence of CBD effectiveness, and more
    • Focuses on the nurse’s role around cannabis care: 
      • Cannabinoid research findings – current evidence related to conditions such as seizures, MS, cancer, pain, PTSD, osteoporosis, opiate harm reduction and end-of-life care
      • The nurse’s role in cannabis patient care – nursing theory, motivational interviewing, coaching, spiritual care, ethics, and use of holistic modalities
      • The APRN role and process of providing care for medical cannabis patients seeking their medical cannabis recommendation 
      • Legal and ethical concerns –  cannabis-care ethics, advocacy, the current federal status of cannabis in the United States, and how to review a state’s cannabis laws
      • Real-world nursing experience – interviews with cannabis care nurses that share approaches, challenges, and successes
    • Chapter features include:
      • Concepts and Considerations box – Outlines chapter content and objectives
      • Applied Learning Questions – for personal reflection or group discussion
      • Case Studies – Illustrate use of cannabis treatments in a variety of practice settings
      • End-of-Chapter Q&A – NCLEX-style questions, similar to those that will be added to the NCLEX and APRN exams, to support learning and certification preparation 

    About the Clinical Editor

    Carey S. Clark, PhD, RN, AHN-BC, RYT, FAAN is Professor of Nursing, Director of Nursing, and Chair of the Medical Cannabis Certificate Program at Pacific College of Health and Science, in New York City, Chicago, Illinois, and San Diego, California, and the Past-President of the American Cannabis Nurses Association.

  • Edition
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Trim Size
    6 x 9
    Publication Date
    February 4, 2021
  • Chapter 1:  History of Cannabis and Prohibition 
    Chapter 2:  The Human Endocannabinoid System (ECS): Physiology 
    Chapter 3:  Cannabis Pharmacology: From the Whole Plant to Pharmaceutical Medications
    Chapter 4: Cannabidiol
    Chapter 5:  Cannabis Science: Reviewing Trends 
    Chapter 6:  The Nurse’s Role: Providing Cannabis Care 
    Chapter 7: Advanced Practice Nursing Considerations 
    Chapter 8:  Legal, Ethical, and Advocacy Concerns: Cannabis from the Federal to State Level 
    Chapter 9: The Cannabis Nurses Experience
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Cannabis: A Handbook for Nurses

Cannabis: A Handbook for Nurses

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975144265
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