Our budget super skin model is a greatly enlarged economically priced model of the structure of the skin 105 times life-size cross section shows three layers of the skin as well as close-up views of: a hair follicle sweat gland fatty tissue and more Front, side and back views. This model does not dissect. 1-piece mounted on a base size 11' x 4" x 13" includes key with 46 labeled structures
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CH4Budget Super Skin ModelCH4Home / Medicine / Budget Super Skin Model 1https://shop.lww.com/Budget-Super-Skin-Model/p/CH4//cdn-tp2.mozu.com/16833-25855/cms/25855/files/efbb42eb-83ce-4cac-9ce5-0a2eac94420971.9971.9971.991
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