This volume is a complete and definitive guide to performing and interpreting breast ultrasound examinations. The book explains every aspect of the examination in detail—from equipment selection and examining techniques, to correlations between sonographic and mammographic findings, to precise characterization of sonographic abnormalities. Complementing the text are more than 1,500 illustrations, including ultrasound scans, corresponding mammographic images, and diagrams of key aspects of the examination.
Dr. Stavros thoroughly explains the physics of breast ultrasound and the special probes and other equipment needed to produce high-resolution images of breast tissue. Chapters on breast ultrasound anatomy demonstrate the anatomic detail that can be seen on current equipment and correlate sonographic and mammographic anatomic features. Subsequent chapters describe examination procedures for evaluating specific abnormalities and detail the distinguishing features of different cystic and solid breast lesions. Also included is a chapter on Doppler characterization of breast lesions.
Product Format
Hardcover Book
Trim Size
8 1/2 x 11
Publication Date
December 29, 2003
A. Thomas Stavros MD, FACR
Radiology Imaging Associates / Invision—Sally Jobe Breast Centers, Englewood, CO
Cynthia L. Rapp BS, RDMS, FAIUM, FSDMS
Invision / Radiology Imaging Associates, Greenwood Village, CO
Steve H. Parker MD
Radiology Imaging Associates, Breast Diagnostic and Counseling Centre, Englewood, CO
Chapter 1 Introduction to Breast Ultrasound: Goals and Indications Chapter 2 Breast Ultrasound Equipment Requirements Chapter 3 Breast Ultrasound Technique Chapter 4 Breast Ultrasound Anatomy Chapter 5 Targeted Indication -- Palpable Abnormalities Correlating Clinical Findings with Ultrasound Findings Chapter 6 Target Indication -- Mammographic Abnormality Chapter 7 Nontargeted Indications for Breast Ultrasound Chapter 8 Nontargeted Indication – Evaluation of Breast Secretions and/or Nipple Discharge and Intraductal Papillary Lesions of the Breast. Chapter 9 Non-targeted Indications -- Evaluation of the Patient with Mammary Implants Chapter 10 Sonographic Evaluation of Cystic Structures in the Breast Chapter 11 Specific complex cystic abnormalities of the breast (which may be complex cystic through only part of their existence) Chapter 12 Solid Breast Nodules – Distinguishing Benign from Malignant Chapter 13 Benign Solid Nodules – Specific Types Chapter 14 Malignant Solid Breast Nodules—Specific Types Chapter 15 Atypical or premalignant breast lesions – specific types Chapter 16 Sonography of the male breast Chapter 17 Ultrasound guided needle procedures of the breast Chapter 18 Sonographic evaluation the breast cancer patient after lumpectomy, mastectomy, and/or radiation Chapter 19 Sonographic evaluation of lymph nodes and cancer staging Chapter 20 Color Duplex Sonography of the Breast Chapter 21 False Negative and False Positive Breast Sonographic Examinations
--Sonographic findings based upon tens of thousands of sonographic pathologic correlations accumulated over 20 years --Anatomy and pathology is discussed and illustrated --Algorithms developed for sonographic evaluation of solid breast nodules and cysts are based on previously developed mammographic methods, and findings are summarized into BIRADS categories --Special techniques for performing breast ultrasound are discussed and illustrated extensively --300 oversized illustrations display the anatomy at actual size.
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