Part of the highly regarded Biopsy Interpretation Series, Biopsy Interpretation of the Liver, 4th Edition, provides practical, highly illustrated information ...
Part of the highly regarded Biopsy Interpretation Series, Biopsy Interpretation of the Liver, 4th Edition, provides practical, highly illustrated information on the diagnosis and prognosis of the full range of biopsies of the liver. Practical, well-organized, and highly readable, this fully revised volume by Dr. Michael S. Torbenson addresses both common and unusual issues that arise in the day-to-day interpretation of liver biopsies, teaching the best diagnostic practices as well as how to avoid the most common pitfalls.
Frames each diagnosis in its most common clinical context, explaining how the pathology can be used to make key clinical management decisions.
Presents key differential features of tumors, organized according to diagnostic category
Features high-quality photomicrographs and illustrations throughout, including updated images both in print (over 700) and online—more than 900 images in all.
Includes two new chapters on Radiology Report Interpretation and Cytogenetics and Genomics.
Provides access to more than 100 questions and answers online for self-assessment and review.
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Product Format
Vitalsource Interactive eBook
Biopsy Interpretation Series
Publication Date
December 15, 2021
Michael Torbenson MD
contents preface ..........................................................................................................v 1 General approach to Biopsy specimens ............................................. 1 2 Liver injury patterns ........................................................................... 13 3 immunohistochemistry and special stains in Liver pathology ........ 74 4 the almost normal Liver Biopsy ....................................................... 97 5 acute and chronic viral hepatitis ................................................... 113 6 other infections of the Liver ........................................................... 156 7 Granulomatous Disease ................................................................... 178 8 Drug-induced Liver injury ................................................................ 220 9 fatty Liver Disease ........................................................................... 260 10 autoimmune hepatitis .................................................................... 298 11 Biliary tract Disease and cholestatic Liver Disease ......................... 325 12 pediatric cholestatic Liver Disease .................................................. 377 13 vascular Disease ............................................................................... 410 14 transplant pathology ....................................................................... 446 15 iron overload in the Liver ................................................................ 495 16 Genetic Diseases of the Liver .......................................................... 536 17 Liver Disease in systemic conditions .............................................. 572 18 cryptogenic cirrhosis ...................................................................... 613 19 Benign and Malignant pediatric tumors ......................................... 627 20 adult Benign and Malignant Mesenchymal tumors ....................... 664 21 hepatocellular pseudotumors and tumors .................................... 696 22 Benign and Malignant Biliary tumors ............................................. 785 23 Lymphoma and Metastatic Disease ................................................. 820 appendix: the Language of Liver pathology: Definitions of Key terms ................................................................................................. 838 index ......................................................................................................... 889
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