NOW UPDATED TO DSM-5! Behavioral Science in Medicine introduces medical students to the science of human behavior. Organized to mirror the behavioral science/psychiatry course taught in the first two years, this text effectively teaches the major concepts of this complex subject and prepares students for board exams. The Second Edition is appropriate for courses in Behavioral Science alone but also for courses that merge Behavioral Science and Neuroscience. The increased depth of coverage of psychiatric illness, substance abuse, and pediatric psychiatry, also makes the Second Edition appropriate for use in Clinical Psychiatry courses in the third and fourth year.
Chapter-opening outlines list the major topics covered
Information presented according to the classifications and terminology of the DSM-5
Emphasis placed on the concepts tested on Steps 1 & 2 of the USMLE
Clinical case scenarios and USMLE-style questions with answers and explanations included for each chapter
Product Format
Paperback Book
Trim Size
10 x 7
Publication Date
February 24, 2012
Barbara Fadem PhD
Professor, Department of Psychiatry, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, New Jersey Medical School, Newark, New Jersey
Part I. The Life Cycle Chapter 1. The Beginning of Life: Pregnancy through Preschool Chapter 2. School Age and Adolescence Chapter 3. The Challenges of Early and Middle Adulthood Chapter 4. Aging, Death, and Bereavement Part II. The Biological Bases of Behavior Chapter 5. Genetics, Anatomy, and Biochemistry of Behavior Chapter 6. Biological Assessment of Patients with Psychiatric Symptoms Chapter 7. Sleep Part III. The Psychological Bases of Behavior Chapter 8. Psychodynamic Theory in Medical Practice Chapter 9. Learning Theory Chapter 10. Psychological Assessment of Patients with Behavioral Symptoms Chapter 11. Psychological Therapies Part IV. Psychopathology Chapter 12. Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders Chapter 13. Mood Disorders Chapter 14. Suicide Chapter 15. Anxiety Disorders and Related Disorders Chapter 16. Somatoform Disorders, Factitious Disorders, and Malingering Chapter 17. Obesity and Eating Disorders Chapter 18. Cognitive and Dissociative Disorders Chapter 19. Biological Therapies Part V. Social Behavior Chapter 20. Culture and Illness Chapter 21. Human Sexuality Chapter 22. Violence, Impulse Control Disorders, and Abuse Chapter 23. Substance Abuse Part VI. The Doctor–Patient Relationship Chapter 24. Doctor–Patient Communication Chapter 25. Psychosomatic Medicine Chapter 26. Ethical and Legal Issues in Medicine Part VII. Health Care Delivery Appendix: Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics Index
-- NEW! Expanded coverage of ethical issues. -- NEW! Expanded neuroscience/neuroanatomy component with images of the overall topography of the brain with labeled lobes and important anatomic regions; expanded Table 5-2; increased coverage of the limbic system; explanations of terms. -- NEW! Expanded personality disorders section covers doctor-patient interactions. -- NEW! Increased depth of coverage of pediatric psychiatry. -- NEW! Increased depth of coverage of psychiatric illnesses. -- NEW! Increased number of examples of clinical cases, i.e., "case boxes." -- NEW! New "End of Life Issues" section after the aging section. -- NEW! Shortened and condensed chapter on "Systems of Health Care Delivery." -- NEW! Coverage of substance abuse psychopathology added to the "Substance Abuse" chapter. --Chapter-opening outlines listing the major topics covered. --Clinical case scenarios help students understand the clinical applications of the concepts presented in each chapter. --Emphasis placed on the concepts tested on Steps 1-3 of the USMLE. --Illustrations help to clarify technical material. --Information presented according to the classifications and terminology of the DSM-IV-TR. --USMLE-style questions with answers and explanations included for each chapter to help students review for board exams. --Written by the author of the popular review books High-Yield Behavioral Science and BRS Behavioral Science.
"This book is impressive in its scope, addressing the biological and psychological bases of behavior throughout the life cycle, succinctly reviewing psychopathology and social behavior. What makes the book great is at the end, where there are helpful discussions of the doctor-patient relationship, complicated ethical and legal matters, the history of healthcare delivery systems, as well as the explanations, examples, and easy to understand charts in the appendix on medical epidemiology and biostatistics."
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