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Bates' Guide To Physical Examination and History Taking
Bates’ Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking 14th Edition is the trusted resource for mastering patient assessment, carefully tailored to meet the evolving needs of students, educators, and healthcare practitioners. Whether you’re beginning your career in healthcare or seeking to enhance your clinical skills, this updated edition has been thoughtfully updated to address the evolving needs of today’s healthcare landscape.
By focusing on enhancing clinical reasoning through the integration of common symptoms with high-yield health history questions, it empowers users to conduct more accurate and effective patient evaluations. With a refined two-column layout, new high-quality images, and expanded tables, the content is both comprehensive and accessible. The inclusion of point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) techniques in regional physical examination chapters, where they correlate with specific PE findings, further enriches the learning and diagnostic process. Additionally, the text incorporates inclusive language and thoughtfully addresses health disparities, ensuring a holistic approach to patient care.
This edition is an indispensable resource for those committed to mastering patient assessment and excelling in today’s healthcare environment.
NEW! Common symptoms with high-yield health history questions are integrated throughout, emphasizing that clinical reasoning skills are at the core of effective interviewing and PE techniques.
NEW! POCUS techniques and a dedicated ultrasound chapter provide an understanding of how ultrasound can elevate PE skills, improving diagnostic accuracy and confidence.
NEW! Tables on PE modifications for patients with clinical devices and procedures, ensuring comprehensive and accurate assessments in complex cases.
NEW! Clinical reasoning-focused interpretation of sample documentations, enhancing the practical application of diagnostic skills.
UPDATED! Inclusive language and non-stigmatizing terminology are employed throughout, with health disparities framed within the context of Social Determinants of Health (SDH). Teaching and Learning Support:
UPDATED! Integration with Connect Courseware, providing seamless access to interactive learning modules, customizable course content, and progress tracking tools.
Product Format
Hardcover Book
Publication Date
July 31, 2025
Rainier P. Soriano MD
USD $139.99
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Bates' Guide To Physical Examination and History Taking
ISBN/ISSN: 9781975218393
USD $139.99 Quantity:
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