Atlas of EEG Patterns , Second EditionThe electroencephalogram (EEG) is essential to the accurate diagnosis of many neurologic disorders. The Second ...
The electroencephalogram (EEG) is essential to the accurate diagnosis of many neurologic disorders. The Second Edition of Atlas of EEG Patterns sharpens readers’ interpretation skills with an even larger array of both normal and abnormal EEG pattern figures and text designed to optimize recognition of telltale findings. Trainees will benefit from hundreds of EEG figures, helping them spot abnormalities and identify the pattern name. Experienced neurologists will find the book excellent as a quick reference and when trying to distinguish a finding from similarly appearing patterns. Organized by EEG pattern, the Atlas orients you to the basics of EEG, helps the reader identify the characteristic EEG wave features and leads you to the EEG diagnosis through a table that organizes all of the EEG patterns according to their wave features. The Atlas includes the full range of EEG patterns from the common rhythms to the rare findings, and it also includes numerous examples of artifacts.
NEW in the Second Edition… • Solution Site with full text and image bank. • An extensive table guides you from EEG wave features to a list of EEG patterns that have the features, then to detailed descriptions and examples of each pattern. • Over 150 new EEG figures from an established EEG laboratory sharpen your interpretation skills using real-world examples.
Product Format
Hardcover Book
Trim Size
10.875 x 8.375
Publication Date
April 8, 2013
John M. Stern MD
Section I Introduction 1 Introduction to EEG Interpretation
Section II Categorization by Pattern Features 2 Pattern Categorization by EEG Features
Section III Patterns 3 Alpha Activity 4 Artifacts 5 Benign Epileptiform Transients of Sleep 6 Beta Activity 7 Breach Effect 8 Burst-Suppression Pattern 9 Cone Waves 10 Delta Activity 11 Fourteen and Six Per Second Positive Bursts 12 Hypersynchronous Slowing 13 Ictal Epileptiform Patterns 14 Interictal Epileptiform Patterns 15 K-complexes 16 Lambda Waves 17 Low Voltage EEG and Electrocerebral Inactivity 18 Mittens 19 Occipital Spikes of Blindness 20 Paroxysmal Fast Activity 21 Periodic Epileptiform Discharges 22 Phantom Spike and Wave 23 Photic Stimulation Responses 24 Positive Occipital Sharp Transients of Sleep 25 Posterior Slow Waves of Youth 26 Saw-Tooth Waves of REM Sleep 27 Sleep Spindles 28. Subclinical Rhythmic Electrographic Discharge of Adults 29 Theta Activity 30 Triphasic Pattern 31 Vertex Sharp Transients
NEW in the Second Edition… • A s imple digital application enables a user to classify an EEG pattern and to see a relevant example. • An extensive table guides readers from easily recognized EEG features to samples of representative tracings. • Hundreds of EEG tracings from an established EEG laboratory let readers sharpen interpretive skills using real-world examples.
“This book provides a compilation of important EEG images—both ‘typical’ and variant presentations—to give both trainees and practicing neurologists more confidence in their ability to identify EEG patterns accurately, or in some cases to recognize a technical artifact. This edition features an increased number of EEGs to provide more variants on patterns.” - Riki Rager, R. EEG T., FASET, BS from Nashville, Tennessee, reviewing for ASET - The Neurodiagnostic Society
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