Athletic Injuries of the Knee is designed as a tool to help primary care and sports medicine practitioners and therapists explain anatomical and sports injury concepts to their patients and clients. This chart provides an overview of normal knee anatomy and common injuries. Anatomy and injuries are clearly drawn and labeled. Illustrates the following normal anatomy: Anterior view of the knee -bones,ligaments, tendons, cartilage Medial view of the knee -bones. ligaments, tendons and cartilage superior view of the knee - bones, ligaments, tendons and cartilage Illustrates the following common injures:
LCL tear
MCL tear
ACL tear
PCL tear
patellar tendinopathy
meniscus tears
11 images illustrate the mechanisms of knee injuries in the context of a human figure playing sports:
ACL tear in basketball
ACL tear in skiing
PCL tear in wrestling
MCL tear in football
LCL tear in rugby
hyperflexion/meniscus tear in skating
jumper's knee in volleyball
patellar tendon rupture in weight lifting
tibia fracture in soccer
IT band syndrome in running.
Made in the USA. Available in the following versions :
20" x 26" heavy paper laminated with grommets at top corners ISBN 9780781786751
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