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Antibiotics Basics for Clinicians
The ABCs of Choosing the Right Antibacterial Agent
Popular as a classroom text, for review, and as a clinical quick reference, Antibiotics Basics for Clinicians: Choosing the Right Antibacterial Agent, 4th Edition, helps readers master the rationale behind antibiotic selection for common bacterial pathogens and infectious diseases. Dr. Alan R. Hauser has updated this easy-to-understand, time-saving resource to cover the latest antibiotic medications and treatment guidelines in an easy-to-follow format: first, a basic overview of how antibiotics work, followed by agents used to treat different types of bacteria, and drug therapy approaches to common infectious diseases.
Features full-color illustrations and updated content throughout, all designed to reinforce comprehension of the most relevant antibacterial agents and treatment guidelines
Provides succinct, practical guidelines that simplify challenging content for easier understanding
Includes pearls, mnemonics, “Remember” boxes, “History” boxes, and drug tables that save time and enhance retention of critical information
Contains extensive review cases and questions to reinforce learning and clinical application
Ideal for medical/clerkship, NP, and PA students and residents/fellows as an easily accessible, informative text designed to help learn and remember essential material in this complex area
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