Develop the strong reasoning skills you’ll need for competent and caring practice with An Introduction to Theory and Reasoning in Nursing. This proven book will help you understand theory, what it is, how it supports nurses and their practice and how you can use it to answer clinical questions and care for patients more effectively.
See theorists and their theories come to life with Theorist boxes that contain a brief synopsis of the theorist's life and a photo of the theorist (when available).
Access an alternative to nursing process care plans with a new research-validated reasoning model, the Clinical Reasoning Plan (CRP) that uses actual nursing case studies.
Increase your understanding of how theory and reasoning is used in clinical practice through Nursing Story boxes .
Clarify your understanding of individual support theories and nursing theories through Summaries that identify phenomenon, internal concepts or variables, propositions, external variables, and assumptions.
Increase your mastery of theory, research, and reasoning and their application to nursing practice through Chapter Overviews , Key Words in bold face type, Chapter Outlines. Chapter Introductions, Chapter Summaries, Learning Activities , and a comprehensive Glossary.
Go online to explore specific topics of interest through a wide range of up-to-date References .
Find the information you need fast with anytime, anywhere access to the fully searchable text online.
Product Format
Paperback Book
Trim Size
6 x 9
Publication Date
December 24, 2013
Betty Johnson PhD, RN
Professor Emeritus & Former Chair
Dept of Nursing
The University of Virginia's Coollege at Wise
Wise, VA
Pamela Webber PhD, FNP
Professor Division of Nursing Shenandoah University Winchester, VA
NEW! A new research-validated reasoning model offers an alternative model to nursing process care plans: the Clinical Reasoning Plan (CRP) template that uses actual nursing case studies. Faculty will have access to a Clinical Evaluation Tool mirroring the CRP.
NEW! Summaries of Individual Support Theories and Nursing Theories identify phenomenon, internal concepts or variables, propositions, external variables, assumptions, and when relevant, facts, principles, and laws derived from theories used in nursing.
Additional Nursing Stories boxes illustrate the use of theory and reasoning and help students analyze theoretical concepts and their relationships to actual practice.
Bring theorists and their theories to life for your students with Theorist boxes that contain a brief synopsis of the theorist's life and a photo of the theorist (when available).
Give your students an alternative to nursing process care plans with a new research-validated reasoning model, the Clinical Reasoning Plan (CRP) that uses actual nursing case studies.
Help your students understand how theory and reasoning is used in clinical practice through Nursing Story boxes .
Broaden your students understanding of individual support theories and nursing theories through Summaries that identify phenomenon, internal concepts or variables, propositions, external variables, and assumptions.
Increase student mastery of theory, research, and reasoning and their application to nursing practice through Chapter Overviews , Key Words in bold face type, Chapter Outlines. Chapter Introductions, Chapter Summaries, Learning Activities , and a comprehensive Glossary.
Give your students an opportunity to expand their understanding of specific topics through updated References .
An Introduction to Theory and Reasoning in Nursing
ISBN/ISSN: 9781451190359
USD $93.99 Quantity :
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