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Covering both surgical and non-surgical pain, Acute Pain Management Essentials is a comprehensive, clinically oriented reference for the entire acute ...
Covering both surgical and non-surgical pain, Acute Pain Management Essentials is a comprehensive, clinically oriented reference for the entire acute pain management team. Edited by Drs. Alan David Kaye and Richard D. Urman, this new title brings together the expertise of contributing authors from anesthesiology, medicine, surgery, and allied health professions to offer an interdisciplinary approach to this complex and fast-changing field. Beginning with an overview of basic principles, it then approaches pain management by organ system, by patient population, and by treatment modality, ending with review of subspecialty considerations and related topics.
Examines all types of acute pain, including non-surgical pain that requires non-regional anesthesia management techniques
Begins with basic principles of pain management, including anatomy and physiology of acute pain, evaluation and measurement of pain, neurobiology and genetics, preemptive analgesia and surgical pain, running a post-operative pain management service and more
Subsequent chapters are organized by Organ Systems, Special Populations, Treatment Modalities, and Subspecialty Considerations
Includes related topics such as dental and facial pain, foot and ankle surgery, the primary care setting, nursing considerations, enhanced recovery pathways (ERAS), quality and safety considerations, and more
An ideal resource for anesthesiologists who specialize in pain medicine, as well as physicians and fellows from other disciplines who care for patients experiencing surgical or non-surgical pain, as well as PAs, NPs, RNs, and pharmacists
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Product Format
Paperback Book
Trim Size
7 x 10
Publication Date
July 25, 2022
Alan David Kaye
Richard D. Urman MD
Assistant Professor Department of Anesthesiology Harvard Medical School Brigham and Women's Hospital Boston, MA
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