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AWHONN's High-Risk & Critical Care Obstetrics

Edition: 4
Publication Date:
April 26, 2018
New edition forthcoming
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Develop top-level guidelines for high-risk and critically ill pregnant women with AWHONN High-Risk & Critical Care Obstetrics, 4th Edition , an ...
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  • Develop top-level guidelines for high-risk and critically ill pregnant women with AWHONN High-Risk & Critical Care Obstetrics, 4th Edition , an official publication of the Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric & Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN).

    This comprehensive analysis of critical care obstetrics concepts offers summary of research findings and top-notch clinical expertise. Made for perinatal clinicians who provide care to pregnant women with high-risk or critical care conditions, this is the expert guidance you need to navigate complex patient conditions and promote safe, effective perinatal care.

    Grow your knowledge base with current clinical guidance on high-risk and critical care obstetrics …
    • All content fully updated - new chapters on maternal morbidity and mortality, strategies to improve maternal outcomes, critical care development strategies, volume resuscitation, triage, morbidly adherent placenta, and more
    • Most chapters written by nurse and physician author teams demonstrating effective collaborative care
    • Practical guidance on obstetric patient assessment and triage
    • Proven care management insights on handling clinical conditions such as mechanical ventilation during pregnancy, anesthesia emergencies, pharmacologic treatments, hypertension in pregnancy, cardiac and pulmonary disorders in pregnancy, diabetic ketoacidosis and continuous insulin infusion management in pregnancy, acute kidney injury, and moreSample clinical care guidelines address Preeclampsia/Eclampsia, Massive Transfusion, Morbidly Adherent Placenta, and moreUp-to-date summary of research on maternal morbidity and mortality factors - leading causes, life-threatening childbirth conditions, racial disparities, and preventabilityThorough pathophysiology information that details interventions needed for a wide range of obstetric disordersIdeal review text and clinical guide for obstetric nurses and maternal-fetal medical students

    Your book purchase includes a complimentary download of the enhanced eBook for iOS™, Android™, PC, and Mac. Take advantage of these practical features that will improve your eBook experience:
    • The ability to download the eBook on multiple devices at one time—providing a seamless reading experience online or offline
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    • Multiple viewing options that enable you to scale images and text to any size without losing page clarity, as well as responsive design
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    About the Clinical Editors

    Nan H. Troiano, RN, MSN, is Consultant, Perinatal Nursing, High Risk and Critical Care Obstetrics, Interim Leader, Women and Infants Clinical Service Departments, Arley, Alabama
    Patricia M. Witcher, MSN, RNC-OB, is Clinical Outcomes Manager of Women’s Services at Northside Hospital, Atlanta, Georgia.
    Suzanne McMurtry Baird, DNP, RN, is Nursing Director of Clinical Concepts in Obstetrics, LLC, Maternal Director of Quality Improvement at Tennessee Initiative for Perinatal Quality Care, and Staff Nurse in Labor and Delivery at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee.
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Trim Size
    8 3/8 x 10 7/8
    Publication Date
    April 26, 2018
  • Nan H. Troiano RN, MSN
    Jefferson Medical College, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA
    Patricia M. Witcher RN, MSN
    Suzanne Baird DNP, RN
  • Part I: Foundations for Practice
    1. Maternal Morbidity and Mortality
    Patricia M. Witcher and Michael K. Lindsey
    2. Improving Maternal Outcomes
    Patricia M. Witcher, Cynthia Chazotte, and Bonnie Flood Chez
    3. Critical Care Obstetrics Capabilities: Development Strategies
    Suzanne McMurtry Baird and Stephanie Martin
    4. Simulation-Based Training
    Julie M. R. Arafeh and Gillian Abir
    5. Adverse and Sentinel Maternal Events: Effective Follow-Up
    Treasa Chidester and Nan Hess-Eggleston
    Part II: Clinical Practice Adjuncts
    6. Hemodynamic and Oxygen Transport Assessment During Pregnancy
    Nan H. Troiano and Suzanne McMurtry Baird
    7. Mechanical Ventilation During Pregnancy
    Nan H. Troiano and Venkata D. P. Bandi
    8. Critical Pharmacologic Agents
    Suzanne McMurtry Baird and Michael A. Belfort
    9. Volume Resuscitation and Blood Component Therapy
    Donna Ruth and Cornelia R. Graves
    Part III: Clinical Application
    10. Hypertension in Pregnancy
    Patricia M. Witcher and Shailen S. Shah
    11. Maternal Cardiac Disorders
    Cynthia Krening, Nan H. Troiano, and Shailen S. Shah
    12. Pulmonary Disorders in Pregnancy
    Brian A. Mason and Carol Burke
    13. Venous Thromboembolism in Pregnancy
    Patricia M. Witcher and Lewis Hamner III
    14. Obstetric Triage Tools
    Catherine Ruhl
    15. Diabetic Ketoacidosis
    Patricia M. Witcher and Cornelia R. Graves
    16. Acute Kidney Injury
    Betsy Babb Kennedy
    17. Maternal Obesity
    Jennifer Dalton and Stacy Strehlow
    18. Morbidly Adherent Placenta
    Suzanne McMurtry Baird and Karin Fox
    19. Obstetric Hemorrhage
    Beth McGovern, Debra Bingham, and Gary A. Dildy, III
    20. Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation in Pregnancy
    Melissa C. Sisson and Lewis Hamner III
    21. Sepsis in Pregnancy
    Kellie N. Brown and Sonya S. Abdel-Razeq
    22. Amniotic Fluid Embolism
    Susan Drummond and Edward R. Yeomans
    23. Trauma in Pregnancy
    Donna Ruth and Hugh E. Mighty
    24. Anesthesia Emergencies in the Obstetric Setting
    Patricia M. Witcher and Justin C. Scott
    25. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in Pregnancy
    Julie M. R. Arafeh and Gillian Abir
    Part IV: Practice Resources
    Valerie Yates Huwe, Andrea Lorraine Puck, Julie Vasher, Suzanne McMurtry Baird, Patricia M. Witcher, and Nan H. Troiano
    Appendix A. Guidelines for the Care of Patients with Hypertension During Pregnancy
    Appendix B. Guidelines for the Care of Obstetric Patients with Diabetic Ketoacidosis
    Appendix C. Guidelines for the Care of hte Obstetric Patient with a Morbidly Adherent Placenta
    Appendix D. Guidelines for the Care of Patients with Obstetric Hemorrhage
    Appendix E. Massive Transfusion Protocol - Blood Replacement Therapy
    Appendix F. Guidelines for Care of the Obstetric Patient Requiring and Intra-arterial Catheter
    Appendix G. Guidelines for the Care of the Obstetric Patient Requiring Central Hemodynamic Monitoring
    Appendix H. Guidelines for the Care of the Obstetric Patient Requiring Mechanical Ventilation
    Appendix I. Guidelines for the Care of the Obstetric Trauma Patient
    Appendix J. Guidelines for the Care of the Obstetric Patient Requiring Transport
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AWHONN's High-Risk & Critical Care Obstetrics

AWHONN's High-Risk & Critical Care Obstetrics

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