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ACSM's Sports Medicine: A Comprehensive Review

Publication Date:
September 12, 2012
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The field of sports medicine is evolving, accelerated by emerging technologies and changing health care policies. To stay up to ...
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  • The field of sports medicine is evolving, accelerated by emerging technologies and changing health care policies. To stay up to speed and ace the Boards, you need a resource that moves at your pace.
    Sanctioned by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), this handy review addresses all areas of the sports medicine subspecialty board examination—with coverage that spans the full spectrum of sports medicine, from medical to skeletal conditions related to the athlete. The editors and authors include orthopedic surgeons, family physicians, pediatricians, internal medicine specialists, physiatrists, certified athletic trainers, physical therapists, psychologists, nutritionists, exercise physiologists and more, ensuring that you’ll benefit from the broad spectrum of expertise embraced by the specialty.
    Look inside and explore…
    • Seven convenient sections address general considerations, evaluation of the injured athlete, medical problems, musculoskeletal problems, principles of rehabilitation, sports-specific populations, and special populations.
    • Comprehensive coverage includes all topic areas featured on sports medicine subspecialty board exams.
    • Easy-access bulleted format makes essential facts simple to locate and recall.
    • Tables, figures, and algorithms make complex ideas easy to grasp and retain.
    • An online companion resource includes nearly 1,000 board-style practice questions with rationale for correct and incorrect responses—a great way to test your knowledge and improve your exam performance!
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Trim Size
    10.875 x 8.375
    Publication Date
    September 12, 2012
  • Francis G O'Connor MD
    Uniformed Services Medical School Director, Sports Medicine Fellowhip Program Department of Family Medicine, Bethesda, MD
  • S E C T I O N i
    General Considerations in Sports Medicine

    1 The Team Physician
    Anthony I. Beutler and John H. Wilckens

    2 Ethical Considerations in Sports Medicine
    Ralph G. Oriscello and Christopher E. Jonas

    3 Legal Issues in Sports Medicine
    Aaron Rubin

    4 Orthopedic Sports Medicine Terminology
    Scott A. Magnes, Vanessa Lalley, and Francis G. O’Connor

    5 Basics in Exercise Physiology
    Patricia A. Deuster and Selasi Attipoe

    6 Articular Cartilage Injury
    Aman Dhawan, Vasili Karas, and Brian J. Cole

    7 Bone Injury and Fracture Healing
    Connor R. LaRose and Carlos A. Guanche
    8 Nerve Injury
    Sarah A. Eby, Jeffrey G. Jenkins, and Eric J. Buchner

    9 Muscle and Tendon Injury and Repair
    Luis P. Carrilero, Mark Hamming, Bradley J. Nelson, and Dean C. Taylor

    10 Basic Principles of Exercise Training and Conditioning
    Kevin R. Vincent, Heather K. Vincent, and Craig K. Seto

    11 Basics in Sports Nutrition
    Patricia A. Deuster, Stacey A. Zeno, and Selasi Attipoe

    12 Exercise Prescription
    Dan Burnett and Mark B. Stephens

    13 Playing Surface and Protective Equipment
    Jeffrey G. Jenkins and C. Joel Hess

    14 Field-Side Emergencies
    Jeffery A. May, Loren A. Crown, and Michael C. Gaertner

    15 Mass Participation Events
    Scott W. Pyne

    16 Catastrophic Sports Injuries
    Barry P. Boden

    17 The Preparticipation Physical Examination
    Robert E. Sallis and Christopher C. Bell

    S E C T I O N ii
    Evaluation of the Injured Athlete

    18 Diagnostic Imaging
    Leanne L. Seeger and Kambiz Motamedi

    19 Musculoskeletal Ultrasound
    Sean W. Mulvaney and Sean N. Martin

    20 Electrodiagnostic Testing
    Venu Akuthota and Jason Friedrich

    21 Exercise Testing
    Russell D. White and George D. Harris

    22 Gait Analysis
    Timothy L. Switaj, Brian R. Hoke, and Francis G. O’Connor

    23 Compartment Syndrome Testing
    John E. Glorioso and John H. Wilckens

    24 Exercise-Induced Bronchoconstriction Testing
    Meghan F. Raleigh and Fred H. Brennan, Jr

    25 Drug Testing
    Aaron Rubin

    26 Neuropsychological Testing in Concussion
    Andrea Pana

    S E C T I O N iii
    Medical Problems in the Athlete

    27 Cardiovascular Considerations
    Marc Childress, Jonathan A. Drezner, Ralph G. Oriscello, and Francis G. O’Connor

    28 Dermatology
    Mark D. Jeffords and Kenneth B. Batts

    29 Genitourinary
    Sean N. Martin and Michael W. Johnson

    30 Ophthalmology
    Ronica Martinez

    31 Otorhinolaryngology
    Charles W. Webb and C. Thayer White

    32 Dental Injuries
    Nathan P. Falk and Elizabeth M. O’Connor

    33 Infectious Disease and the Athlete
    Mark D. Harris and Thomas M. Howard

    34 Endocrinology and Sports
    J. Andrew McMahon and William W. Dexter

    35 Hematology in the Athlete
    William B. Adams

    36 Neurology 236
    Joel Shaw

    37 Gastroenterology
    David L. Brown, Chris G. Pappas, Courtney A. Dawley

    38 Pulmonary
    Carrie A. Jaworski

    39 Allergic Diseases in Athletes

    David L. Brown, Nathan P. Falk, and Linda L. Brown

    40 Overtraining Syndrome
    Elizabeth Gannon and Thomas M. Howard

    41 Exercise and Chronic Disease
    Karl B. Fields, Wes Bailey, Kenneth P. Barnes, Catherine R. Rainbow, and Shane Hudnall

    42 Environmental Injuries: Hypothermia, Frostbite, Heat Illness, and Altitude Illness
    Brian V. Reamy

    S E C T I O N iv
    Musculoskeletal Problems in the Athlete

    43 Head Injuries
    Carlos M. Alvarado and Dennis A. Cardone

    44 Cervical Spine
    Gerard A. Malanga, Garrett S. Hyman, Jay E. Bowen, and Ricardo J. Vasquez-Duarte

    45 Thoracic and Lumbar Spine
    Reginald S. Fayssoux

    46 Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Upper Extremity
    Courtney T. Tripp and John F. Feller

    47 Shoulder Instability
    Thomas M. DeBerardino and Robert A. Arciero

    48 Rotator Cuff Pathology
    Patrick St. Pierre

    49 Sternoclavicular, Clavicular, and Acromioclavicular Injuries
    Nicholas A. Bontempo and Augustus D. Mazzocca

    50 Shoulder Superior Labrum Anterior and Posterior Tears and Biceps Tears
    Jeffrey S. Abrams

    51 The Throwing Shoulder
    James P. Sostak, II and Carlos A. Guanche

    52 Elbow Instability
    Scott P. Steinmann

    53 Elbow Articular Lesions and Fractures
    Edward S. Ashman

    54 Elbow Tendinosis
    Patrick St. Pierre and Robert P. Nirschl

    55 Soft Tissue Injuries of the Wrist and Hand
    D. Nicole Deal and A. Bobby Chhabra

    56 Wrist and Hand Fractures
    D. Nicole Deal and A. Bobby Chhabra

    57 Upper Extremity Nerve Entrapment
    Margarete DiBenedetto and Robert Giering

    58 Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Lower Extremity
    Courtney T. Tripp and John F. Feller

    59 Pelvis, Hip, and Thigh Injuries
    Matthew Diltz

    60 Knee Meniscal Injuries
    John P. Goldblatt, John C. Richmond, Dipak B. Ramkumar, and Anthony S. Albert

    61 Knee Instability
    Matthew C. Bessette, Frank Winston Gwathmey, Jr, and Mark Miller

    62 The Patellofemoral Joint
    Robert J. Nascimento and Anthony A. Schepsis

    63 Soft Tissue Knee Injuries (Tendon and Bursae)
    Bryan J. Whitfield and John J. Klimkiewicz

    64 Ankle Instability
    R. Todd Hockenbury

    65 Soft Tissue Injuries of the Leg, Ankle, and Foot
    Keith Lynn Jackson, II and Brian E. Abell

    66 Foot and Ankle Fractures
    Brian E. Abell and J. Richard Lee Evanson

    67 Lower Extremity Stress Fractures
    Michael Fredericson and Julia Arroyo

    68 Lower Extremity Nerve Entrapments
    Evan Peck and Jay Smith

    S E C T I O N v
    Principles of Rehabilitation

    69 Physical Modalities in Sports Medicine
    Sarah A. Eby and Alan P. Alfano

    70 Core Strengthening
    Joel Press

    71 Medications and Ergogenic Aids
    Scott Flinn and Andrew J. McMarlin

    72 Prolotherapy
    Keith A. Scorza and Manik Singh

    73 Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy and Autologous Blood
    Kimberly G. Harmon and Jonathan A. Drezner

    74 Common Injections in Sports Medicine: General Principles and Specific Techniques
    Christopher J. Lutrzykowski, Francis G. O’Connor, and Thad J. Barkdull

    75 Footwear and Orthotics
    Jay Dicharry and Eric M. Magrum

    76 Taping in Sports Medicine
    Jessica M. Poole, Casey Hulsey, and RM Barney Poole

    77 Bracing in Sports Medicine
    Jessica M. Poole, Casey Hulsey, and RM Barney Poole

    78 Casting and Splinting
    Jennifer M. Garrison and Chad A. Asplund

    79 Psychological Considerations in Physical Activity, Exercise, and Sport
    Jeffrey L. Goodie and Nicole L. Frazer

    80 Complementary and Alternative Medicine
    Anthony I. Beutler, David K. Gordon, and Wayne B. Jonas

    81 Special Considerations for Postoperative Athletes
    Eric W. Carson

    S E C T I O N vi
    Sports-Specific Considerations

    82 Baseball
    Catherine N. Laible, Dennis A. Cardone, and Eric J. Strauss

    83 Basketball
    Michael Needham and Chad A. Asplund

    84 Boxing: Medical Considerations
    Kevin deWeber

    85 Mixed Martial Arts: Ringside Safety
    Anthony G. Alessi and Michael B. Schwartz

    86 Crew
    Andrew D. Perron

    87 Cross-Country Ski Injuries
    Janus D. Butcher

    88 Bicycling Injuries
    Chad A. Asplund

    89 Dance and Performing Arts Medicine
    Devin P. McFadden

    90 Dive Medicine
    James H. Lynch

    91 Figure Skating
    Roger J. Kruse and Jennifer Burke

    92 Football
    John M. MacKnight

    93 Golfing Injuries
    Benjamin J. Ingram and Gregory G. Dammann

    94 Gymnastics
    John P. DiFiori and Dennis J. Caine

    95 Ice Hockey Injuries
    Peter H. Seidenberg

    96 Climbing Injuries, Treatment and Injury Prevention
    Katrina D. Warme and Winston J. Warme

    97 Lacrosse
    Thad J. Barkdull

    98 Rugby Injuries
    Peter H. Seidenberg and Rochelle M. Nolte

    99 Running
    Robert Wilder and Francis G. O’Connor

    100 Alpine Skiing and Snowboarding
    Devin P. McFadden

    101 Rodeo Injuries
    Craig R. Denegar and Richard M. Blyn

    102 Soccer
    Nicholas A. Piantanida

    103 Softball Injuries
    Lindsay J. DiStefano and Jeffrey M. Anderson

    104 Surfing
    C. Joel Hess and Paul T. Diamond

    105 Swimming
    Nancy E. Rolnik

    106 Musculoskeletal Injuries in the Tennis Player
    Marc R. Safran and Geoff Abrams

    107 Triathlon
    Shawn F. Kane and Fred H. Brennan, Jr

    108 Volleyball
    Emily A. Darr

    109 Water Polo Injuries
    Dean M. Brewer, Richard P. Eide, III, and Michelle E. Szczepanik

    110 Weightlifting
    Joseph M. Hart, Christopher D. Ingersoll, and Christopher M. Kuenze

    111 Wheelchair Sports
    Arthur Jason De Luigi, Kevin F. Fitzpatrick, and Paul F. Pasquina

    112 Wrestling
    Michael G. Bowers and Thomas M. Howard

    S E C T I O N vii
    Special Populations

    113 The Pediatric Athlete
    Andrew J. McMarlin, Amanda Weiss Kelly, and Terry Adirim

    114 The Geriatric Athlete
    Brian K. Unwin

    115 The Female Athlete
    Courtney A. Dawley and Rochelle M. Nolte

    116 The Athlete with Intellectual Disabilities
    James H. Lynch

    117 The Disabled Athlete
    Kevin F. Fitzpatrick and Paul F. Pasquina

    118 The Athlete with a Total Joint Replacement
    Robert W. Engelen and Jennifer L. Reed

    119 The Athlete with Cancer
    Jason M. Matuszak and Tracey O’Connor

    120 Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Sports
    Robert J. Dimeff
  • -- NEW 1000 board review questions added on as an on-line adjunct
    -- NEW All sections to be updated
    -- NEW Athletic Trainer added as an Editor
    -- NEW More illustrations
    -- NEW Second color added
    --Covers all the areas on the boards
    --Easy to access bulleted format
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ACSM's Sports Medicine: A Comprehensive Review

ACSM's Sports Medicine: A Comprehensive Review

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