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ACSM's Research Methods

Edition: 1
Publication Date:
August 10, 2015
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Wolters Kluwer and the ACSM are excited to introduce ACSM’s Research Methods, a vital first edition. This applied approach provides ...
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  • Wolters Kluwer and the ACSM are excited to introduce ACSM’s Research Methods, a vital first edition. This applied approach provides students with a sophisticated look at research methods aimed at building engagement with the text. Written by leading experts in the field, this title offers a fresh approach that better integrates traditional methods with some of the newer approaches to research, such as qualitative and mixed methods, and uses published journal articles, Excel activities, and real-life examples to make the material interesting and relevant.
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Interactive eBook
    Trim Size
    7 x 9
    American College of Sports Medicine
    Publication Date
    August 10, 2015
  • [none] ACSM
    • Expert authors selected by the American College of Sports Medicine and representing top minds from the field, ensure the book’s quality, accuracy, and currency.
    • Use of published journal articles and other current, relevant research adds an application base and helps students learn to evaluate the research they encounter in their careers and everyday life.
    • Excel is used to teach basic statistical principles.
    • Concept Boxes show fascinating examples of real people doing research in the exercise science field.
    • The outstanding art program helps clarify concepts, increasing student understanding and retention.
    • Unique coverage of how to present research includes specific examples on presenting research via PowerPoint and other proven methods.
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ACSM's Research Methods

ACSM's Research Methods

ISBN/ISSN: 9781496325679
USD $108.99 Quantity :
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