Providing an approachable introduction to exercise oncology as well as unparalleled preparation for those preparing for credentialing in exercise oncology ...
Providing an approachable introduction to exercise oncology as well as unparalleled preparation for those preparing for credentialing in exercise oncology through the American College of Sports Medicine®, ACSM's Essentials of Exercise Oncology is your go-to guide to understanding the intricate relationship between exercise and cancer treatment. This concise text explores the epidemiology and biology of cancer, the physiological effects of exercise training on cancer development and prevention, and exercise prescription for individuals at various stages of cancer diagnosis, treatment, and survivorship, as well as the behavioral and logistical challenges unique to engaging cancer patients and survivors in physical activity. Reflecting the authoritative expertise of the American College of Sports Medicine and featuring a wealth of learning tools and ancillary resources, this unique volume equips students and professionals alike with the knowledge and confidence to effectively navigate the evolving field of exercise oncology.
Chapter Outline and Objectives keep students focused on essential chapter content.
Chapter Summaries simplify review and reinforce key takeaways.
Key Terms help students confidently identify, review, and recall important concepts.
Study questions at the end of each chapter challenge students to apply what they’ve learned.
Case Studies and Questions at the end of the chapter provide deeper insight on chapter topics and encourage critical thinking.
Product Format
Paperback Book
Lippincott Connect-ACSM
Publication Date
July 8, 2024
American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)
Kathryn Schmitz
Anna L. Schwartz
Anna Campbell
USD $84.99
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