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A Practical Guide for Nurse Practitioner Faculty Using Simulation in Competency-Based Education

Edition: 1
Publication Date:
January 29, 2024
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Authored by expert simulation researchers, educators, nurse practitioner faculty, and clinicians, A Practical Guide for Nurse Practitioner Faculty Using Simulation ...
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  • Authored by expert simulation researchers, educators, nurse practitioner faculty, and clinicians, A Practical Guide for Nurse Practitioner Faculty Using Simulation in Competency-Based Education looks at topics related to simulation design, development, and implementation for nurse practitioner and other graduate-level nursing programs.  
    The new educational requirements based on the AACN Essentials and move to competency-based outcomes require nursing graduates to provide documented skill competencies to care for all types of patients in all types of diverse healthcare settings. Whether a graduate is working in acute care, primary care, or within the community, clinical simulations serve as a vital approach to creating student-centered, experiential learning that engages and prepares the graduate for real-world practice. 
    Once the exception, clinical simulations are becoming more commonplace in nurse practitioner programs. This book supports nurse practitioner faculty as they learn new pedagogy and teaching strategies using clinical simulations.  It focuses on developing and preparing nurse educators and superusers of simulations as they create, implement, and evaluate this pedagogy in nurse practitioner education.  
    Table of Contents
    CHAPTER 1 State of the Science of Clinical Simulations in NP Education
    CHAPTER 2 Theoretical Frameworks for Simulation Design, Development, and Implementation
    CHAPTER 3 Competency-Based Nursing Education
    CHAPTER 4 Student-Centered Learning in NP Education
    CHAPTER 5 Integration of Simulation in the NP Curriculum
    CHAPTER 6 Healthcare Simulation Standards of Best Practice™ and Nurse Practitioner Education
    CHAPTER 7 Attainment of Competency Through Simulation: The ACTS Model
    CHAPTER 8 Simulation Operations
    CHAPTER 9 Methods and Models for Debriefing in Graduate Clinical Education
    CHAPTER 10 Working with Standardized and Simulated Patients
    CHAPTER 11 Assessment and Evaluations in Simulation
    CHAPTER 12 Simulation to Prepare Nurse Practitioner Students for Role Transition
    CHAPTER 13 The Future of Graduate Nurse Practitioner Education: A Case for Simulation
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Trim Size
    6 x 9
    Publication Date
    January 29, 2024
  • Pamela R Jeffries PhD, RN, FAAN, ANEF, FSSH
    Dr. Pamela R. Jeffries (PhD, RN, FAAN, ANEF, FSSH), Dean of Vanderbilt University School of Nursing, is nationally known for her research and work in developing simulations and online teaching and learning.  She is well regarded for her expertise in experiential learning, innovative teaching strategies, new pedagogies, and the delivery of content using technology in nursing education. Before joining Vanderbilt, she was Dean and Professor at George Washington University (GW) School of Nursing.  Additionally, she served as Vice Provost for Digital Initiatives at Johns Hopkins University and the past President of the interprofessional, international Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH),  and is a member of the Institute of Medicine’s Global Intraprofessional Education (IPE) forum, among many other organizations. 
    Pamela Slaven-Lee DNP, APRN, FAANP
  • This book is an essential resource for nurse practitioner faculty with respect to integrating and achieving optimal use of simulation in educational curriculum for advanced practice registered nurses. The chapters, written by experts in the field, provide a comprehensive overview of the use of clinical simulation in nurse practitioner education, highlighting best practices and application to competency-based education.
    Ruth Kleinpell, PhD, APRN-BC, FAAN, FAANP
    Interim Associate Dean for Research
    Associate Dean for Clinical Scholarship
    Independence Foundation Chair for Nursing Education
    School of Nursing 
    Vanderbilt University 
    Nashville, Tennessee
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A Practical Guide for Nurse Practitioner Faculty Using Simulation in Competency-Based Education

A Practical Guide for Nurse Practitioner Faculty Using Simulation in Competency-Based Education

ISBN/ISSN: 9781975233884
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