Sharp Mary Birch Hospital for Women, San Diego, CA
Section I: Pharmacology and Physiology 1. Physiologic Changes of Pregnancy Rachel M. Kacmar and Andrea J. Traynor 2. Uteroplacental Anatomy, Blood Flow, Respiratory Gas Exchange, Drug Transfer, and Teratogenicity Curtis L. Baysinger and Barton Staat 3. Local Anesthetics and Toxicity Jennifer Hofer and Barbara M. Scavone 4. Obstetric Medications Ruchira Patel and Mrinalini Balki Section II: Antepartum Considerations 5. Ethical and Legal Considerations M. Joanne Douglas and William J. SUL>6. Non-Obstetric Surgery During Pregnancy Joy L. Hawkins and Debnath Chattergee Section III: Labor & Delivery 7. Fetal Assessment and Monitoring David Gambling 8. Maternal Infection and Fever Rebecca D. Minehart, William Camann, and Scott Segal 9. Non-Neuraxial Analgesic Techniques Wint Mon, Roshan Fernando, and Geraldine O'SUL>10. Choice of Neuraxial Analgesia and Local Anesthetics Dominique Moffitt and Arvind Palanisamy 11. Ultrasound and Echocardiographic Techniques Laurie A. Chalifoux and John T. SUL>12 Impact of Neuraxial Analgesia on Obstetric Outcomes Christopher R. Cambic and Cynthia A. Wong 13. Anesthetic Considerations for Women Receiving Cesarean Delivery Robert R. Gaiser 14. Difficult Airway Management in the Pregnant Patient Uma Munnur and Maya S. Suresh 15. Anesthesia for Multiple Gestation and Breech Presentation Carolyn F. Weiniger 16. Obstetric Emergencies Michael Froelich and Brenda A. Bucklin 17. Newborn Resuscitation Richard A. Month Section IV: Postpartum Issues 18. Post-cesarean Analgesia Richard N. Wissler 19. Management of Postdural Puncture Headache David Wlody 20. Neurologic Deficits following Labor and Delivery Mark I. Zakowski and Andrew Geller 21. Postpartum Tubal Ligation Brenda A. Bucklin Section V: Disease States 22. Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy Yelena Spitzer and Yaakov Beilin 23. Endocrine Disorders Jessica Booth, Peter Pan, Janine Malcolm, and Erin J. Keely 24. Thrombophilias/Coagulopathies James P.R. Brown and M. Joanne Douglas 25. Cardiac Disease in the Obstetric Patient Nathaen S. Weitzel and Bryan S. Ahlgren 26. Neurologic and Neuromuscular Disease Tammy Y. Euliano and Mary A. Herman 27. Renal and Hepatic Disease in the Pregnant Patient Quisqueya T. Palacios and M. Susan Mandell 28. Obstetric Anesthesia for Parturients with Respiratory Diseases Suzanne K.W. Mankowitz and Stephanie R. Goodman 29. Obesity and Pregnancy Brenda A. Bucklin and David R. Gambling 30. Trauma in the Obstetric Patient Hen Y. Sela, Lior Drukker, and Sharon Einav 31. Management of the Opioid Dependent Parturient Jessica L. Young, Ellen M. Lockhart, and Curtis L. Baysinger Section VI: Maternal Safety 32. Maternal Morbidity and Mortality Jill M. Mhyre 33. Guidelines from National Organizations: American Society of Anesthesiologists, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, and American Academy of Pediatrics Kathryn J. Zuspan
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