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Winter's Basic Clinical Pharmacokinetics

Edition: 6
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Selected as a Doody's Core Title for 2022 and 2023!Winter’s Basic Clinical Pharmacokinetics helps readers apply pharmacokinetics and therapeutic drug ...
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  • Selected as a Doody's Core Title for 2022 and 2023!

    Winter’s Basic Clinical Pharmacokinetics
    helps readers apply pharmacokinetics and therapeutic drug monitoring to patient care.
    An easy-to-read, case-study format has made this text a favorite among students and clinicians. Divided into two parts, Part I reviews basic pharmacokinetic principles, and Part II illustrates the clinical application of these principles to common problems.
    • Extensive explanations emphasize major concepts and accompany complex equations.
    • Figures help visualize concepts
    • NEW chapters include drug dosing in renal disease, pediatric considerations, and pharmacogenomics, as well as antifungals and expansion of the cytotoxic and immunosuppressant therapies
    • Includes cases that address pediatric considerations and pharmacogenomics
    • Updates include new information on the clinical use of serum drug concentrations
    • New Learning Objectives at the beginning of each chapter highlight the key concepts
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Vitalsource Interactive eBook
  • Paul Beringer PharmD
$ 89.99 USD $89.99

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Winter's Basic Clinical Pharmacokinetics

Winter's Basic Clinical Pharmacokinetics

ISBN/ISSN: 9781451118414
USD $89.99 Quantity :
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