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NCLEX-RN Conceptual Review Guide

Clinical-Based for Next Gen Learning
Edition: 2
Publication Date:
September 26, 2023
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This dynamic NCLEX-RN® Review Guide is more than just a study tool—it challenges students to engage in clinical judgment through ...
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  • This dynamic NCLEX-RN® Review Guide is more than just a study tool—it challenges students to engage in clinical judgment through realistic, authentic, and demanding cases replicating nursing practice at the point of care. The unique conceptual perspective prepares the student for the NCLEX® and nursing practice through concise clinical information, active exercises and cases, and multi-sensory activities to hone clinical judgment skills. Information on the exam, the role of the nurse, leadership, and health promotion guide students down the Steps to Success for NCLEX® and careers as registered nurses.
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Trim Size
    8 3/8 x 10 7/8
    NurseThink for Students
    Publication Date
    September 26, 2023
  • Judith W Herrman PhD, RN, CNE, ANEF, FAAN
    Karin J Sherrill
    Tamara King
  • Chapter 1: Steps to Success: The Strategy 
    Chapter 2: Steps to Success: The Exam 
    Chapter 3: Steps to Success: The Process 
    Chapter 4: Steps to Success: The Lifestyle 
    Chapter 5: Sexuality 
    Chapter 6: Circulation 
    Chapter 7: Protection 
    Chapter 8: Homeostasis 
    Chapter 9: Respiration 
    Chapter 10: Regulation I
    Chapter 11: Regulation II 
    Chapter 12: Regulation III 
    Chapter 13: Movement 
    Chapter 14: Comfort 
    Chapter 15: Adaptation 
    Chapter 16: Emotion 
    Chapter 17: Cognition 
    Chapter 18: Health Promotion 
    Chapter 19: Role of the Nurse 
    Chapter 20: Steps to Success: The Destinations 
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NCLEX-RN Conceptual Review Guide

NCLEX-RN Conceptual Review Guide

ISBN/ISSN: 9781736476260
USD $82.99 Quantity :
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