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Handbook of Neuroanesthesia

Edition: 5
Publication Date:
October 12, 2012
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Thoroughly updated, the 5th edition of the Handbook of Neuroanesthesia is an essential guide to perioperative management of neurosurgical patients....
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  • Thoroughly updated, the 5th edition of the Handbook of Neuroanesthesia is an essential guide to perioperative management of neurosurgical patients.
    Written in an outline format for quick reference, this handbook provides detailed information about the anesthetic management of neurosurgical and neuroradiologic procedures and the intensive care of neurosurgical patients as well as those who have sustained traumatic brain and spinal cord injury.
    Each chapter also includes clinical cases, summaries, and chapter highlights, giving readers all the information needed to confidently put what they learned to use in real life neuroanesthesia and neurocritical care cases.
    • Vital pre-operative, post-operative, intra-operative, and peri-operative techniques are extensively covered
    • New chapter on information technology to guide readers to online medical resources and search modalities
    • Website references listed in each chapter
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Trim Size
    8 x 5
    Publication Date
    October 12, 2012
  • Philippa Newfield
    Department of Anesthesiology
    California Pacific Medical Center
    San Francisco CA
    James Cottrell MD
    Professor and Chair, Department of Anesthesiology
    SUNY Downstate Medical Center
    Brooklyn, NY
    1. Physiology and Metabolism of the Brain and Spinal Cord
    Yunfang Joan Hou and Ira S. Kass
    2. Effects of Anesthesia on Cerebral and Spinal Cord Physiology
    Rosemary Hickey
    3. Neurophysiologic Monitoring
    M. Sean Kincaid and Arthur M. Lam
    4. Improving Neurologic Recovery from Cerebral Ischemia
    Yunfang Joan Hou, James E. Cottrell, and Ira S. Kass
    5. The Management of Pain in the Neurosurgical Patient
    Timothy R. Deer and Jason E. Pope
    6. Anesthesia and Neurosurgery: A Communication Paradigm
    Eugenia Ayrian, Chelsia Varner, Yvette Marquez, and Steven Giannotta

    7. Anesthetic Management of Head Trauma
    Kishore Tolani, Audrée A. Bendo, and Takefumi Sakabe
    8. Anesthesia for Supratentorial Tumors
    Nicolas J. Bruder and Patrick A. Ravussin
    9. Anesthesia for Posterior Fossa Surgery
    Deborah S. Pederson and Robert Peterfreund
    10. Anesthetic Management of Cerebral Aneurysms and Arteriovenous Malformations
    Rukaiya K. A. Hamid, Nadeem Hamid, Philippa Newfield, and Audrée A. Bendo
    11. Ischemic Cerebrovascular Disease
    Ian A. Herrick and Adrian W. Gelb
    12. Neuroendocrine Procedures
    David L. Schreibman and M. K. McHugh
    13. Epilepsy, Epilepsy Surgery, Awake Craniotomy for Tumor Surgery, and Intra-operative Magnetic Resonance Imaging
    Pirjo Hellen Manninen and Jee Jian See
    14. Spinal Cord: Injury and Procedures
    Gary R. Stier, Daniel J. Cole, Joseph P. Giffin, and Elie Fried
    15. Pediatric Neuroanesthesia
    Nadeem A. Hamid, Rukaiya K. A. Hamid, and Philippa Newfield
    16. Neurosurgery in the Pregnant Patient
    David J. Wlody, Ivan Velickovic, and Lela D. Weems
    17. Anesthetic Management of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Interventional Neuroradiologic Procedures
    Shailendra Joshi, Sean D. Lavine, and William L. Young
    18. Anesthetic Management of Diagnostic Neuroradiology
    Deborah M. Whelan, Melissa A. Laxton, and Patricia H. Petrozza
    19. Parkinson’s Disease and Deep Brain Stimulator Insertion
    Alana M. Flexman and Pekka O. Talke
    20. Intra-operative Imaging Modalities: Magnetic Resonance, Positron Emission Tomography, Gamma Knife, and Stereotactic Surgery
    Saleh Khunein and Pirjo H. Manninen

    21. Complications in the Post-anesthesia Care Unit
    Jean G. Charchaflieh, Samrat H. Worah, and Georges I. Labaze
    22. Respiratory Care of the Neurosurgical Patient
    Irene Rozet and Karen B. Domino
    23. Cardiovascular Therapy
    Sheena M. Howson, John A. Barwise, and C. Lee Parmley
    24. Fluid and Electrolyte Management
    Concezione Tommasino, Valentina Picozzi, and Federico Bilotta
    25. Nutritional Support in the Critically Ill Patient
    John M. Taylor and Binbin Wang
    26. Traumatic Brain Injury, Stroke, and Brain Death
    Seth Manoach, Georges I. Labaze, and Jean G. Charchaflieh

    27. Information Technology: Accessing and Exchanging Information
    Klaus Ulrich Klein and Kristin Engelhard
    28. ASA Practice Guidelines: Prevention of Post-operative Visual Loss and Prevention of Post-operative Neuropathies
    Christine Goepfert, Cindy Monsey, and René Tempelhoff
    • Vital pre-operative, post-operative, intra-operative, and peri-operative techniques are extensively covered
    • New chapter on information technology to guide readers to online medical resources and search modalities
    • Website references listed in each chapter
  • "This is an outstanding guide to most aspects of this subspecialty. It is easy to read (and carry!), and should be essential reading for every trainee (resident or SRNA) on the neuroanesthesia service. The new style and the many new chapters/authors make this edition a refreshing and worthwhile contribution. Dr. Newfield and Dr. Cottrell have edited an excellent book."
    Doody's Revie
    Martin H Dauber, MD(University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine)

    Weighted Numerical Score: 91 - 4 Stars!
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Handbook of Neuroanesthesia

Handbook of Neuroanesthesia

ISBN/ISSN: 9781605479651
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