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The Cleveland Clinic Cardiology Board Review

Edition: 3
Publication Date:
December 16, 2021
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Providing a comprehensive, state-of-the-art review of every area of contemporary cardiovascular medicine, The Cleveland Clinic Cardiology Review is an excellent ...
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  • Providing a comprehensive, state-of-the-art review of every area of contemporary cardiovascular medicine, The Cleveland Clinic Cardiology Review is an excellent tool for learning and reviewing key concepts in major areas of cardiology. The ThirdEdition contains fully revised content, review questions used on the board exam. A new, easy-to-follow chapter template facilitates quick review and retention of the material.
    • Emphasizes board-relevant clinical material and accurate, real-world clinical decision making.
    • Covers every major topic you’ll encounter on certification and recertification exams, including congenital heart disease, electrophysiology, valvular heart disease, vascular disease, and pharmacology, and more.
    • Presents review questions with each chapter for thorough exam preparation and self-assessment.
    • Uses a new, consistent format for most chapters: introduction, clinical presentation, diagnosis, algorithm, treatment, suggested readings, and questions/answers.
    • Written by distinguished clinicians from the Cleveland Clinic Foundation's Department of Cardiovascular Medicine and based on the Cleveland Clinic Foundation's popular annual Intensive Review of Cardiology course. 
    Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience
    • Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.
    • Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Trim Size
    8.375 x 10.875
    Publication Date
    December 16, 2021
  • Brian P. Griffin
    Samir R. Kapadia MD, FACC
    Director, Sones Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory
    Director, Interventional Cardiology Fellowship
    Department of Cardiovascular Medicine
    Heart and Vascular Institute
    Cleveland Clinic
    Cleveland, OH
    Venugopal Menon
    Contributing Authors vi
    Preface xi
    1 How to Pass the Cardiovascular Disease Board
    Examination 1
    John Rickard and Grant W. Reed
    2 Cardiac Physical Examination 4
    Craig R. Asher
    3 Cardiac Anatomy 26
    Samir R. Kapadia and Nishant P . Shah
    4 Cardiovascular Physiology: Flow–Volume Loops 37
    Richard D. Meredith and Michael D. Faulx
    5 Basic Cardiac Electrophysiology 49
    Patrick J. Tchou
    6 Cardiac Biochemistry 56
    Robert A. Koeth and Venu Menon
    7 Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics 63
    Sneha Vakamudi and Paul C. Cremer
    TESTING 71
    8 Chest Radiography for the Cardiovascular
    Medicine Boards 71
    Albree Tower-Rader and Michael A. Bolen
    9 Doppler Echocardiography 85
    Bo Xu and Christine Jellis
    10 Electrocardiographic Stress Testing 98
    Philip Aagaard and Haitham Ahmed
    11 Stress Echocardiography 106
    Abhinav Sharma and L. Leonardo Rodriguez
    12 Nuclear Cardiac Imaging: A Primer 114
    Aldo L. Schenone, Paul C. Cremer, and Wael A. Jaber
    13 Cardiac MRI and CT 132
    James L. Gentry III and Milind Y. Desai
    14 Pathophysiology of Heart Failure 153
    Varinder Kaur Randhawa, Ashley Bock, and J. Emanuel Finet
    15 Medical Treatment of Heart Failure 164
    Chonyang L. Albert and Jerry D. Estep
    16 Heart Transplantation 180
    Kartik S. Telukuntla, Matthew Gonzalez, and Eileen Hsich
    17 Devices for Heart Failure 198
    Pavan Bhat and Maria M. Mountis
    18 Myocarditis and Dilated Cardiomyopathy 212
    Zachary J. Il’Giovine and Sanjeeb Bhattacharya
    19 Pulmonary Hypertension 225
    Kartik S. Telukuntla and Miriam Jacob
    20 Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection
    Fraction 239
    Albree Tower-Rader and Allan L. Klein
    21 Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy 250
    Sneha Vakamudi and Harry M. Lever
    22 Congenital Heart Disease in the Adult 265
    Joshua Saef and Joanna Ghobrial
    23 Echocardiography in Congenital Heart
    Disease 283
    Serge C. Harb and Christine Jellis
    24 Twelve-Lead Electrocardiography 303
    Peter T. Hu and Ajay Bhargava
    25 Electrophysiologic Testing, Including His Bundle
    and Other Intracardiac Electrograms 365
    Kevin M. Trulock and Thomas D. Callahan IV26 Sudden Cardiac Death and Ventricular
    Tachycardia 390
    Cameron T. Lambert, Daniel J. Cantillon, and Oussama Wazni
    27 Atrial Fibrillation and Flutter 400
    Ayman A. Hussein and Mohamed Kanj
    28 Supraventricular Tachycardias 417
    Andrew E. Noll and Mandeep Bhargava
    29 Wide Complex Tachycardia: Ventricular
    Tachycardia versus Supraventricular
    Tachycardia 430
    Adam Grimaldi and Walid Saliba
    30 Pacemakers and Defibrillators 445
    Divyang Patel, Bruce L. Wilkoff, and Khaldoun G. Tarakji
    31 Syncope 461
    Erika Hutt-Centeno, Jeffrey S. Hedley, and Kenneth A. Mayuga
    32 Aortic and Pulmonary Valve Disease 473
    Richard D. Meredith, Amar Krishnaswamy, and Brian P . Griffin
    33 Mitral Valve and Tricuspid Valve Disease 488
    Bo Xu and Serge C. Harb
    34 Infective Endocarditis 509
    Andrew R. Higgins and Steven M. Gordon
    35 Prosthetic Valve Disease 522
    Preethi Mani and Paul C. Cremer
    36 Evaluation of Chest Discomfort 533
    David M. Nemer and Wael A. Jaber
    37 Coronary Artery Disease: Epidemiology 543
    Calvin Chen Sheng and Leslie Cho
    38 Stable Angina: Diagnosis, Risk Stratification,
    Medical Therapy, and Revascularization
    Strategies 554
    Chetan P . Huded and Conrad C. Simpfendorfer
    39 Unstable Coronary Syndrome 576
    Jonathan D. Hansen and A. Michael Lincoff
    40 Acute Myocardial Infarction 595
    Venu Menon and Chetan P . Huded
    41 Complications of Myocardial Infarction 614
    Thomas M. Das and Venu Menon
    42 Risk Stratification and Post–Myocardial Infarction
    Therapy 631
    Nyal E. Borges and Samir R. Kapadia
    43 Radiation Safety in the Cardiac Catheterization
    Laboratory 646
    Rayji S. Tsutsui and Samir R. Kapadia
    44 Hemodynamic Measurements 658
    Jeffrey E. Rossi and Amar Krishnaswamy
    45 Catheterization Laboratory Imaging and
    Functional Assessment 675
    Anirudh Kumar and Samir R. Kapadia
    46 Percutaneous Coronary Intervention 689
    Claire E. Raphael and Stephen G. Ellis
    DISEASE 711
    47 Diseases of the Aorta 711
    Grant Henderson and Vidyasagar Kalahasti
    48 Venous Thromboembolism 725
    Erika Hutt-Centeno and Marcelo Gomes
    49 Peripheral Artery Disease 743
    Nikolaos Spilias and Joseph D. Campbell
    50 Carotid Disease 757
    Jimmy Kerrigan, Deborah Kerrigan, and Joseph D. Campbell
    51 Hallmarks of Primary and Secondary
    Hypertension 777
    Luke J. Laffin and Leslie Cho
    52 The Dyslipidemias 798
    Nishant P . Shah and Leslie Cho
    53 Preoperative Evaluation of Cardiac Patients for
    Noncardiac Surgery 819
    Laura Young and Ajay Bhargava
    54 Pregnancy and Heart Disease 829
    Zarina M. Sharalaya and Russell E. Raymond
    55 Women and Heart Disease 845
    Ashley Bock and Leslie Cho56 Pericardial Diseases 857
    Michael Chetrit and Allan L. Klein
    57 Effects of Systemic Diseases on the Heart and
    Cardiovascular System 870
    Jeffrey S. Hedley and Michael D. Faulx
    58 Cardiac Neoplasms 882
    Eoin Donnellan and Brian P . Griffin
    59 Cardiovascular Drug Interactions 891
    Aldo L. Schenone and Michael A. Militello
    60 Patent Foramen Ovale and Atrial Septal Defect
    Closure 901
    Kara Denby, Anirudh Kumar, and Joanna Ghobrial
    61 Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement 910
    Grant W. Reed, Samir R. Kapadia, and Amar Krishnaswamy
    62 Percutaneous Mitral Interventions 922
    Vinayak Nagaraja and Samir R. Kapadia
    63 Genetics and Heart Disease 934
    Kartik S. Telukuntla, Christina Rigelsky, and Kenneth G. Zahka
    64 Summary of Important Guidelines 943
    Vinayak Nagaraja and Samir R. Kapadia
    65 Sports Cardiology 948
    Kyle Mandsager and Dermot Phelan
    66 Cardio-oncology 959
    Eoin Donnellan, Muzna Hussain, and Patrick Collier
    Appendix (Common Formulae) 967
    Shady Nakhla and Venu Menon
    Index 971
    • Emphasizes board-relevant clinical material and accurate, real-world clinical decision making.
    • Covers every major topic you’ll encounter on certification and recertification exams, including congenital heart disease, electrophysiology, valvular heart disease, vascular disease, and pharmacology, and more.
    • Presents review questions with each chapter for thorough exam preparation and self-assessment.
    • Uses a new, consistent format for most chapters: introduction, clinical presentation, diagnosis, algorithm, treatment, suggested readings, and questions/answers.
    • Written by distinguished clinicians from the Cleveland Clinic Foundation's Department of Cardiovascular Medicine and based on the Cleveland Clinic Foundation's popular annual Intensive Review of Cardiology course. 
    Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience
    • Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.
    • Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
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The Cleveland Clinic Cardiology Board Review

The Cleveland Clinic Cardiology Board Review

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