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Pocket Atlas of Spinal MRI

Edition: 2
Publication Date:
September 15, 2000
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Featuring 97 sharp, new images obtained with state-of-the-art scanning technology, the Second Edition of this popular pocket atlas is a ...
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  • Featuring 97 sharp, new images obtained with state-of-the-art scanning technology, the Second Edition of this popular pocket atlas is a quick, handy guide to interpreting magnetic resonance images of the spine. The book shows readers how to recognize normal anatomic structures on MRI scans...and how to distinguish these structures from artifacts.Each page presents a high-resolution image, with anatomic landmarks clearly labeled. Directly above the image are a key to the labels and a thumbnail illustration that orients the reader to the plane of view (sagittal, axial, or coronal). This format--sharp images, orienting thumbnails, and clear keys--enables readers to identify features with unprecedented speed and accuracy.Chapters cover the cervical spine, craniocervical junction, thoracic spine, thoracolumbar junction, lumbar spine, and sacrum. This edition includes a new section on the occipital-cervical junction, with emphasis on the upper cervical ligaments and atlantoaxial articulations. Praise for the previous edition: 'No artist's rendition nor photograph of a fixed specimen could match the detail shown here. The authors have painstakingly identified those structures of clinical significance. The quality of the reproductions and the clarity of the identifying arrows, etc. is exemplary....Not only should this booklet prove to be a valuable reference for those clinicians interested in spinal disorders, but also for the next generation of physicians struggling to understand the morphology of the human body.'-- Journal of Spinal Disorders 'An excellent guide for all those interested in learning about the normal magnetic resonance imaging anatomy of the spine and its neural contents.'-- Neurology 'An invaluable reference text for technologists, radiologists, neurologists, and orthopedists alike....This tiny gem will greatly facilitate the transition from the physics lectures of the classroom to the actual acquisition of diagnostic images.'-- Advance for Radiologic Technologists
  • Edition
    Product Format
    Paperback Book
    Trim Size
    4 7/8 x 6 7/8
    Radiology Pocket Atlas Series
    Publication Date
    September 15, 2000
  • Leo F. Czervionke
  • Preface
    Cervical Spine
    Craniocervical Junction
    Thoracic Spine
    Thoracolumbar Junction
    Lumbar Spine
  • --No blocks of text--just labeled images
    --Prepared by Dr. Czervionke, a notable name in radiology
    --Facilitates diagnosis--Each page presents a high-resolution image, a 'thumbnail' that orients readers to the plane of view--sagittal, axial or coronal--and a key to the labels. Readers will be able to identify features with unprecedented speed and accuracy!
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Pocket Atlas of Spinal MRI

Pocket Atlas of Spinal MRI

ISBN/ISSN: 9780781729482
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