In the past five years, the techniques used in arthroscopic shoulder surgery have advanced exponentially. The basic principles are the same, but the theories, techniques, and instrumentation have dramatically improved. The Cowboy's Companion: A Trail Guide for the Arthroscopic Shoulder Surgeon is truly a companion book to Burkhart’s View of the Shoulder: A Cowboy's Guide to Advanced Shoulder Arthroscopy , which builds on the principles of the first book and concentrates on the new theories and techniques that have developed since the first book was written. The book is separated into two sections: The Shoulder Roundup, which will be an update on the techniques and ideas that have developed in shoulder surgery and The Shoulder Rodeo, which will be a collection of challenging cases that demonstrate unique approaches to difficult shoulder problems. The text comes with two DVDs that feature advanced interactive technology. The surgical videos will be supplemented with state-of-the-art digitally enhanced illustrations and animations, to create an entirely new 3-dimensional learning environment for the surgeon.
Product Format
Hardcover Book
Trim Size
10.875 x 8.375
Publication Date
February 14, 2012
Steven Burkhart MD
San Antonio Orthopaedic Group San Antonio, TX
Ian K.Y. Lo MD, FRCS
Department of Surgery University of Calgary Calgary, Alberta
P A R T I . THE SHOULDER ROUND-UP' There ain’t a horse that can’t be rode, there ain’t a man that can’t be throwed Introduction 2
Section I: Essentials 4 1 Advanced Shoulder Arthroscopy Essentials 5 Section II: Rotator Cuff and Related Topics 12 2 The Philosophy of Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair 13 3 Double-row versus Single-row Cuff Repair 29 4 Complete Rotator Cuff Tears 34 5 Partial-thickness Rotator Cuff Tears 69 6 Subscapularis Tendon Tears 101 7 Large and Massive Rotator Cuff Tears 129 8 Arthroscopic Revision Rotator Cuff Repair 165 9 Managing Poor Tissue and Bone Quality in Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair 180 10 The Biceps Tendon 197
Section III: Instability and Related Topics 225 11 Philosophy of Instability Repair 226 12 Repair of Anterior Instability withoutSignificant Bone Loss 232 13 Instability Associated with Bone Loss 266 14 Unusual Instability Patterns 291 15 Philosophy of Managing SLAP Lesions 322 16 SLAP Lesions 326
Section IV: Assorted Topics 342 17 Suprascapular Nerve Release 343 18 The Acromioclavicular Joint 349 19 Arthroscopic Treatment of Fractures about the Shoulder 372 20 Postoperative Rehabilitation 395 21 Shoulder Stiffness 403 22 Glenohumeral Arthritis 410
Section V: Roundtable Discussions 420 23 Around the Campfi re 421
P A R T I I I . HISTORICAL VIGNETTES' Every jackass thinks he has horse sense
29 Humor as a Teaching Tool in Shoulder Arthroscopy 486
--3-D video animations merged with surgical videos on two bound -in DVDs --Detailed step-by-step problem solving by expert arthroscopic surgeons --Extensive cases showing how to overcome difficult technical problems --Outstanding four-color line drawings showing the underlying problems
"Every great cowboy had his loyal sidekick and it should come as no surprise that Dr. Burkhart has come up with a loyal companion to his original book on shoulder surgery. This is not a new edition, but rather a refreshing new book that continues the common sense, well-thought out, vetted procedures as well as the excellent teaching that we have learned to expect and enjoy from Dr. Burkhart. His dedication to teaching is thoroughly evident throughout. The book is a great addition to your personal and institutional library. I will have to get an extra one for my residents because this is one of the few books that I simply won't share."
Cowboy's Companion: A Trail Guide for the Arthroscopic Shoulder Surgeon
ISBN/ISSN: 9781609137977
USD $399.99 Quantity :
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